v1.14.27/1.14.28 - Feb 5, 2025 - Bug fixed: "Date" type field did not display correct time in text field. - Improved: Increased compatibility with other plugins that use PHP 8-only libraries. v1.14.26 - Jan 23, 2025 - Bug fixed: Added "Custom format" option for "Locations" display element. - Bug fixed: Added "Do not add default HTML tags" option for "Template" and "Field Template" display elements. - Bug fixed: Resolved PHP fatal/warning errors occurring in certain scenarios. - Improved: Compatibility with Yoast SEO when WordPress Multisite is enabled. v1.14.25 - Jan 8, 2025 - Bug fixed: Further fixes for Date type field displaying the previous date in the text field when a date is selected. - Bug fixed: Listings were being moved to trash when add-on payment plan payments failed. - Bug fixed: Incorrect terms assigned in certain cases when importing listings with multiple taxonomy terms. - Improved: Compatibility with PHP8. v1.14.24 - Dec 19, 2024 - Bug fixed: Resolved issues with get_post_meta() when querying Directories Pro fields. - Bug fixed: Fixed random sort order not working as expected in certain cases. - Added: New Gutenberg blocks for Categories, Featured Listings, Filter Form, Locations, Recent Listings, and Recent Reviews. v1.14.22 - Nov 22, 2024 - Bug fixed: The "cache" parameter of [drts-directory-view] shortcode not working in recent updates. - Bug fixed: Tab selection on backend pages was cleared after page submission. - Improved: Added support for importing "Opening Hours" field via WP All Import. v1.14.21 - Oct 29, 2024 - Bug fixed: Directories blocks not displaying content in Gutenberg editor. - Bug fixed: Resolved several issues with WordPress multisite. v1.14.20 - Oct 28, 2024 - Bug fixed: Resolved several issues with Google Maps API caused by recent updates. - Bug fixed: Listing images were not displaying on the backend listings page. v1.14.19 - Oct 25, 2024 - Bug fixed: Issues updating plugins on WordPress Multisite. - Added: Option to omit <script> tags in the JavaScript display element. v1.14.18 - Oct 12, 2024 - Bug fixed: Several PHP notice/warning level errors. - Improved: Updated Google Maps place opening hours feature to respect the WordPress start of week setting. v1.14.16/v1.14.17 - Oct 3, 2024 - Bug fixed: Corrected issue where opening hours were displayed for the wrong day using Google Maps Place Details API. - Added: Support for Yoast Duplicate Post. - Improved: Compatibility with WP All Import. v1.14.15 - Sep 22, 2024 - Bug fixed: Date range filter not functioning properly since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Resolved issues related to update_post_meta/update_term_meta support introduced in v1.14.11. v1.14.14 - Sep 19, 2024 - Bug fixed: Fatal error when using HappyForms as ontact form in certain cases. - Bug fixed: Several PHP notice/warning level errors. - Bug fixed: Removed the use of deprecated icons. - Added: Option to display edit listing form in modal window on frontend dashboard. - Improved: Compatibility with Elementor. v1.14.13 - Sep 18, 2024 - Bug fixed: Fatal error caused by "Icon" field renderer. v1.14.12 - Sep 9, 2024 - Bug fixed: Payment plan features were not saving since v1.14.11. - Bug fixed: Fatal error caused by "Icon" field renderer. - Bug fixed: Cache settings for display elements not working. v1.14.11 - Sep 4, 2024 - Bug fixed: Resolved an issue where HappyForms stopped working after their recent updates. - Added: Support for update_post_meta/update_term_meta functions to update Directories Pro fields. v1.14.10 - Aug 26, 2024 - Bug fixed: Several translation issues. - Added: Support for AVIF images. - Added: "Mon - Sat" option to "Opening Hours" type field. v1.14.9 - Aug 7, 2024 - Added: Ability to fetch and display opening hours from Google Maps using Google Places API. - Updated: Italian (it_IT) language files (thanks to Silvio). v1.14.8 - Jul 29, 2024 - Added: Global settings to enable/disable scroll effect. - Improved: Compatibility with PHP8. v1.14.7 - Jul 11, 2024 - Bug fixed: Possible fatal error since v1.14.6. - Bug fixed: Form field description text HTML being escaped when viewed by guests. v1.14.6 - Jul 6, 2024 - Bug fixed: Orders and Subscription tabs in frontend directory dashboard occasionally showing empty content.. - Bug fixed: Processing payment plans after checkout not working properly when using WooCommerce block-based checkout - Added: Option to configure animation speed for "Photo slider" view and field renderer. v1.14.5 - Jun 4, 2024 Bug fixed: Issues with translating custom strings for form/display/filter elements. Bug fixed: Custom label texts were not being displayed since the last update. Bug fixed: Exiting Street View on Google Maps was not possible without reloading the page. Improved: Compatibility with the Astra theme. Improved: Show discounted price in the Subscriptions panel on the frontend dashboard. Updated: Leaflet JavaScript library to v1.9.4. v1.14.4 - May 21, 2024 Bug fixed: Payment orders and subscriptions not displayed in frontend directory dashboard. Bug fixed: Taxonomy pages not displaying listings in Twenty-Twenty-Four theme. Bug fixed: Issues with translating text for "Labels" display element and location hierarchy levels. Bug fixed: "Number of auto suggested items to display" setting for "Keyword Search" had no effect. Added: Option to use location address as listing title. Added: Option to enable/disable street view control on Google Maps. Improved: Compatibility with PHP8. Improved: Use "none" in "Query by field" setting to query listings with no star/review ratings in views. v1.14.3 - Apr 29, 2024 Bug fixed: {country} tag for customizing address format not showing correct value on certain occasion. Bug fixed: Invalid response error in Gutenberg editor when using Directories Pro shortcodes. Bug fixed: "Invalid view" error with "Reviews" display element on certain occasions. Bug fixed: Deprecated level errors for PHP8 and up. Improved: Compatibility with other plugins using Slick JavaScript slider library. Improved: Compatibility with Yoast SEO and Rank Math breadcrumbs. Added: Option to customize "Not found" text shown on frontend directory dashboard. Added: z-index CSS setting to "Group" and "Columns" display elements under "Advanced" tab. Added: Option to define disallowed HTML tags for "Paragraph Text" field display element. Added: Option to limit/exclude time ranges for "Opening Hours" type field. v1.14.2 - Mar 8, 2024 Bug fixed: Geocoding was not functioning correctly since v1.14.1 on certain occasions. Bug fixed: ACF field shortcode not displaying content with block themes. v1.14.1 - Mar 1, 2024 Bug fixed: Formatting issues with location addresses. Bug fixed: "Show icon" setting for categories filter not appearing in settings. Improved: Enhanced geocoding results with OpenStreetMap Nominatim geocoding API. Added: Option to sort listings by taxonomy term IDs. v1.14.0 - Feb 10, 2024 Version numbering restarted from 1.14.0 due to a numbering mistake in the previous release. Bug fixed: Datepicker not allowing selection of dates before 1970-1-1. Bug fixed: Non-admin users unable to change post status of listings/reviews from backend. Bug fixed: Error saving values for "Reference" type field on certain occasions. Bug fixed: Compatibility issue with PolyLang resolved. v1.13.117 - Jan 30, 2024 Bug fixed: Sticky map feature not working properly on certain occasions. Bug fixed: Official color was not applied to Instagram icon. Bug fixed: Some notice/warning/deprecated level PHP errors. Added: Option to disable loading frontend dashboard panel (posts) using AJAX. Added: Ability to resubmit star ratings with option to toggle it on/off. Added: Option to choose post status of expired listings (draft or trash). Added: Option to use custom "Date" type field value as listing expiration date. Added: Option to expire referenced/referencing listings. v1.3.116 - Jan 5, 2024 Added: Option to link image to URL of another field for "Image" type field "Default" field renderer. Added: Option to exclude listing title from keyword search. Improved: Do not allow deleting listings with an active subscription. v1.3.115 - Dec 17, 2023 New: "Directories: View" and "Directories: Search Form" Gutenberg blocks. Bug fixed: PHP fatal errors handling taxonomy terms on certain occasions. Bug fixed: "Load geolocation data" fails to update "Map" type fields when "Overwrite current data" option is enabled. Bug fixed: "Hide empty terms" option for "Child terms" display element causing minor display issues. Improved: Exporting values of fields not enabled in associated payment plans or default payment features was not possible. Improved: Allow adding conditional rules based on "Featured Item" field priority level. Added: Option to auto-fill review title with its parent listing title. Added: Option to search default "Location" field for "Keyword Search" field. Added: Option to restrict frontend submissions by "MemberPress" membership. Added: Option to sort taxonomy terms by custom field values. Updated: FontAwesome icons to v6.4.2. v1.3.114 - Nov 11, 2023 - New: Option to select user roles that can view individual listings. - Bug fixed: Claims were publicly searchable through WordPress search. - Bug fixed: Resolved issues with hierarchical select fields and conditional rules. - Improved: Filter form can now be displayed anywhere, even when using page builders. - Improved: Components now reload automatically after plugin update. - Updated: Select2 JavaScript library to the latest version. v1.3.113 - Oct 24, 2023 - Bug fixed: Some issues saving media files. - Bug fixed: Date range filter for "Published Date" and "Modified Date" fields not working properly. - Bug fixed: Duplicate vote counts when importing voting field data. - Bug fixed: Timezone issue with "Date range list" filter. - Added: Option to show icons for "Choice" type field "Default" renderer. - Improved: Allow using all view shortcode parameters for default views. - Improved: Allow using dynamic tags in "WhatsApp link" field renderer pre-filled message. v1.3.112 - Oct 11, 2023 - Bug fixed: Some issues with handling attached media files since v1.3.100. - Bug fixed: Date picker field showing incorrectly formatted date on certain occasion. - Added: Date range filter for "Published Date" and "Modified Date" fields. - Added: "drts_system_currency_format" WordPress filter hook. - Added: Option to always show search form fields inline. - Improved: Stop auto-populating user fields in the backend. - Updated: typeahead.js JavaScript library to v1.3.0. v1.3.110/v1.3.111 - Sep 14, 2023 - Bug fixed: Display issue with "Choice" type field when option list is shown in popup on mobile devices. - Improved: Enable dynamic tags in "HTML" and "JavaScript" display elements. - Improved: Allow excluding certain terms in the "Query by field" view setting. - Improved: Compatibility with 3rd party SEO plugins using taxonomy terms in meta tags. - Added: Date validation option for "Single Line Text" type field. - Added: "Clean unattached media files" system tool. v1.3.109 - Aug 15, 2023 - Bug fixed: Incorrect taxonomy term post counts shown since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Issue with subscription payment plans and bank transfer payments. - Bug fixed: Multibyte character taxonomy term slugs in conditional rule settings not working for filters. - Bug fixed: Filters being deleted in the backend on certain occasions. - Improved: Option to select "Reference" type fields in conditional rule settings. v1.3.108 - Jul 27, 2023 - Bug fixed: Several issues with "Choice" and "Reference" type fields since v1.3.107. - Bug fixed: Date picker for "Date" type field inserting previous date value on certain occasions since v1.3.107. v1.3.107 - Jul 12, 2023 - Bug fixed: Custom color options for payment plan label not working. - Bug fixed: Small display issue with "Field List" display element. - Bug fixed: CSS issue with slider form field. - Bug fixed: Several issues displaying listings on taxonomy term pages using shortcodes. - Bug fixed: Custom label text could not be translated. - Bug fixed: Filter for "Author" field type could not be removed after applied in filter form. - Added: Option to add extra query string when linking custom buttons in "Button" display element to URL of another field. - Improved: Compatibility with Astra and Hello Elementor theme. - Updated: French (fr_FR) language files (thanks to Eric Petit). v1.3.106 - Jun 17, 2023 - Bug fixed: Several issues with date picker form field since v1.3.103. - Bug fixed: FontAwesome Pro not loading icons properly since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Checkboxes form field type option not working properly for "Reference" type field. - Bug fixed: Link to backend pages not showing up correctly in some notification emails. - Added: Option to disable linking to empty taxonomy term pages. - Added: Option to show post counts for taxonomy term links. - Added: Kenyan and Tanzanian Shilling to list of currencies. - Improved: Add "No rating" option for review ratings. - Improved: Compatibility with Astra theme. - Updated: Range slider JS library to v2.3.1. v1.3.105 - Apr 24, 2023 - Bug fixed: Fix some more issues with CSS container queries since v1.3.103. - Bug fixed: "Add More" field button not working properly with conditional rules on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: JavaScript files not loading properly, causing errors on certain occasions. - Improved: Compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin. - Removed: Deprecated Algolia Places API files. v1.3.104 - Apr 16, 2023 - Bug fixed: Some issues with CSS container queries since v1.3.103. v1.3.103 - Apr 14, 2023 - Bug fixed: PHP warning trying to login as guest since v1.3.102. - Improved: Use native CSS container queries instead of polyfill. - Updated: Flatpickr JS library icons to v4.6.13. v1.3.102 - Apr 5, 2023 - Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues with several themes using FontAwesome icons. - Improved: Show HTML content as display element title for HTML display elements. v1.3.101 - Mar 30, 2023 - Bug fixed: Possible fatal PHP error fetching taxonomy terms. - Updated: FontAwesome icons to v6.3.0. - Improved: Enable spiderfy effect for map markers on OpenStreetMap. - Improved: Enable querying listings and adding conditional rules by expiration date. - Improved: Enable displaying listings conditionally by expiration date. - New: [drts-frontned-add-entity-link] shortcode for displaying add listing button. - New: drts_entity_expired_status filter for customizing status of expired listings. v1.3.100 - Mar 10, 2023 - Bug fixed: Some JavaScript errors with reCAPTCHA. - Bug fixed: Some JavaScript errors with Google Maps API. - Bug fixed: Only 1 term displayed using taxonomy term field display element. - Added: Option to hide timezone selection field. - Added: %slug% tag for use in several display elements. - Added: Options to query listings by votes, bookmarks, and ratings. - Updated: Markerclusterer JavaScript library. v1.3.99 - Dec 22, 2022 - Bug fixed: Some issues generating tags. - Bug fixed: Some issues displaying form in modal window on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Compatibility with Members plugin. - Bug fixed: PHP warning/fatal error with non-hierarchical taxonomy term field when saving listing in backend on certain occasion. - Added: Option to show "Reference" type field content item options as checkboxes. - Added: Option to show video thumbnails for "Video" type field. - Improved: Allow using "Color", "Time", "User", and "Video" type field values in conditional rules. - Improved: More conditional rule options for "Date" and "Range" type fields. - Improved: Allow query listings by individual review rating criteria values using view. v1.3.98 - Sep 24, 2022 - Bug fixed: Review rating slider not appearing on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Error saving listing in backend on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Error importing "Name" type field. - Bug fixed: Some more compatibility issues with PHP8. - Bug fixed: Some CSS issues with RTL. - Added: "_current_post_" query by field parameter for "Post Reference" type field. - Improved: Compatibility with Elementor plugin and Enfold theme. - Improved: Add more info to cron logs v1.3.97 - Aug 6, 2022 - Improved: More code for SVG image support. - Improved: Compatibility with PHP 8.1. - Added: Telegram and TikTok social account fields. - Added: Option to show WhatsApp link as button. - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.6.2. - Bug fixed: Deprecated method error with Elementor dynamic tag feature. v1.3.96 - Jul 12, 2022 - Added: SVG image support. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Generate Translations tool since v1.3.95. - Bug fixed: Sort by custom string type field not working properly. - Bug fixed: Some PHP fatal errors on a certain occasion. v1.3.95 - Jun 3, 2022 - Improved: Add-on payment plans can now provide additional fields. - Bug fixed: Single term page title showing first post title in some themes. - Added: Option to open images in new window with "Default" field renderer for "Image" type field. v1.3.94 - May 13, 2022 - Added: Option to allow selection of leaf taxonomy terms only. - Added: Support for Rank Math content analysis. - Bug fixed: Button display issue on mobile devices. - Bug fixed: Incorrect permalink URL for links in language switcher. - Improved: Open file attachments in new window. v1.3.93 - May 1, 2022 - Bug fixed: Several PHP warning errors since v1.3.92. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with bookmark button tooltip text. v1.3.92 - Apr 21, 2022 - Added: Allow filtering listings by custom review criteria. - Added: Option to disable AJAX uploads for Image/File type fields. - Added: Option to restrict geocoding results by countries for OpenStreetMap Nominatim geocoding API. - Improved: Allow re-assigning parent listing for reviews if current parent listing is unpublished. - Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PolyLang. - Bug fixed: Compatibility issue with wpDiscuz. v1.3.91 - Mar 16, 2022 - Bug fixed: PHP warning error with filter form since v1.3.90. - Bug fixed: Search custom "Number" type field values using keyword search not working properly. v1.3.90 - Mar 7, 2022 - Bug fixed: Invalid "for" attribute for "label" HTML element in search form fields. - Bug fixed: PHP memory size not being detected correctly in system information if over 1G. - Bug fixed: Unable to upload .dotx/.docx files using "File" type field. - Bug fixed: Payment plan selection not working when using PolyLang. - Bug fixed: Several display issues with "Reference" type field. v1.3.89 - Feb 15, 2022 - Added: Option to disable merging overlapping intervals for "Opening Hours" field renderer. - Added: Option to use URL of another field for custom buttons in "Button" display element. - Added: Option to show child terms as dropdown for "Child Terms" display element. - Bug fixed: Several PHP errors (Notice/Warning/Fatal). - Bug fixed: Error saving content containing emoji. - Improved: Added bestRating/worstRating to aggregateRating schema.org property. v1.3.88 - Feb 5, 2022 - Bug fixed: Compatibility with certain themes and its settings. - Bug fixed: Some issues with displaying currency. v1.3.87 - Feb 1, 2022 - Added: Taxonomy display elements for displaying taxonomy term content on listing displays. - Bug fixed: Fix several PHP errors. - Improved: Show lost password form in modal window. - Improved: Allow specifying descendant terms in conditional rule by appending "+" after term ID. v1.3.86 - Jan 7, 2022 - Bug fixed: Review criteria options were not translatable. - Bug fixed: Generate translations tool not working properly with PolyLang. - Bug fixed: File upload field not working properly when field label empty. - Bug fixed: Some routing issues with taxonomy views. - Improved: Allow <br> and <small> tags in field description text. v1.3.85 - Dec 16, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some display issues with buttons when setting primary color to black. - Bug fixed: PHP warning error in backend. - Bug fixed: Some URL rewriting issues with PolyLang. - Bug fixed: Listings with subscription payment plan not being deactivated after expiration on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Post slug could not be updated through CSV import. v1.3.84 - Nov 21, 2021 - Added: Option to update listings when map dragged. - Added: Option to configure time step interval for "Time" and "Opening Hours" type fields. - Added: ”Year range picker” filter for "Date" type field. - Bug fixed: Old URL routing data causing 404 errors on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some display issues on backend taxonomy term pages. - Removed: Option to show display elements to item author only added in v1.3.83 which was redundant. - Updated: Leaflet.js (v1.7.1) and its associated JS/CSS files. - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.6.1. v1.3.83 - Oct 29, 2021 - Added: Option to set custom zoom level for "Map" field renderer. - Added: Option to show display elements to item author only. - Improved: Option to update view on same page when bookmark button clicked by guest. v1.3.82 - Oct 11, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some more compatibility issues with PHP8. - Bug fixed: "Map" field renderer not showing map on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: "Range list" field renderer not working properly for "Price" type field. - Bug fixed: Several issues on certain occasion when using [drts-directory-view] shortcode on directory main page. - Added: Option to update view on same page when bookmark button clicked. v1.3.81 - Sep 24, 2021 - Bug fixed: Listing status stays pending even after successful payment if initial payment attempt failed. - Bug fixed: Some issues with map markers on single location page for listings with multiple locations. - Improved: Allow displaying "Number" type field values on backend admin listings page. - Improved: Allow sorting by "Listing Description" field values. v1.3.80 - Sep 10, 2021 - Bug fixed: WordPress Media Manager not allowing attaching WebP image files. - Bug fixed: Some issues with language files (de_CH/de_DE/it_IT/tr_TR). - Bug fixed: Some issues when using Bootstrap library loaded from outside Directories Pro. - Bug fixed: Conditional rules for "Location" field not working properly on certain occasion. - Added: "Redirect to suggested item page when clicked" option for taxonomy terms in "Keyword Search" field. - Improved: Erase author name from listings/reviews/claims when GDPR data erasure requested. v1.3.79 - Aug 24, 2021 - Bug fixed: "External URL" setting for custom buttons in "Button" display element limited to 255 characters. - Added: "Hide on mobile devices" option for display elements in "Manage Displays" section. - Added: Option to add extra fields to filter for "Keyword" filter. - Added: Elementor dynamic tag support for "Reference" type field. v1.3.78 - Jul 26, 2021 - Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PHP 8. - Improved: Add support for WebP image files for WordPress 5.8. - Updated: German language file (thanks to Patrick Baumann). v1.3.77 - Jul 20, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some URL formatting issues with filter form. - Bug fixed: PHP warning when Button display element displayed in frontend on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Error when generating locations for listings on certain occasion. - Improved: Hide add listing button in frontend if submission restricted. - Improved: Allow sorting listings by review count in backend. v1.3.76 - Jul 1, 2021 - Bug fixed: Several compatibility issues with PHP 8 and up. - Bug fixed: Some unrelated fields being exported on certain occasion. v1.3.75 - Jun 17, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some URL routing issues with WPML and PolyLang. - Bug fixed: Invalid CSS generated with custom primary/secondary color settings. - Bug fixed: Cache and URL routing issues with reviews on single listing page. - Added: Option to specify screenshot image width for "Screenshot" field renderer. - Added: Option to specify custom label text color for "Labels" display element. - Improved: Allow entity tags in display element heading text. v1.3.74 - May 30, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some issues searching listings by location when "Google Maps Place Autocomplete" enabled. - Bug fixed: Conditional rules for "Location" type field in "Manage Displays" not working with "is empty" or "is not empty" option. - Bug fixed: "Hide empty terms" setting for taxonomy term field filters not working on certain occasion when "Hide count" setting enabled. - Added: "Icon" field renderer support for "Number" and "Price" type fields. v1.3.73 - May 16, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some issues with redirection on certain occasions since last update. - Added: Options to allow username or e-mail address only for login. - Added: Server-side geolocation for detecting current user location without page reload. - Updated: French language files (thanks to Eric Petit). v1.3.72 - May 10, 2021 - Bug fixed: Compatibility with PHP version 5. - Bug fixed: Several issues with Italian/Spanish language files since one of recent updates. - Bug fixed: Issue configuring slider step setting for "Range" and "Number" type fields. - Bug fixed: Import using WP ALL Import not working correctly since one of recent updates. v1.3.71 - May 6, 2021 - Added: Allow setting color for each option in "Choice" type field. - Added: "Exact match" match type option for "Keyword Search" search field. - Added: New "Query by field" setting for filtering items when exporting. - Added: New "Range List" field renderer for "Number" and "Price" type fields. - Bug fixed: Custom label texts could not be translated. - Bug fixed: Some issues with conditional rules for display elements. v1.3.70 - Apr 28, 2021 - Bug fixed: Possible XSS vulnerability in backend. - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Required" field setting for "Location" type field. - Bug fixed: Some issues with conditional rule settings for "Location" type field. - Bug fixed: Error when saving Primary/Secondary color settings on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Sort listings by "Exp. Date" in views not working since one of recent updates. - Added: Option to show Google Maps place rating and review count. - Added: "Clear map" button for "Location" type field. v1.3.69 - Apr 23, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some fields could not be updated on certain occasion since one of recent updates. - Bug fixed: Payment plan could not be unassigned from certain listings after expiration. - Bug fixed: Icons not showing correctly with custom taxonomies. - Added: "Image" and "File" type fields to conditional rule options for display elements. - Added: Option to customize "All day" label for "Opening Hours" field renderer. v1.3.68 - Apr 12, 2021 - Added: "Show claimed only" filter for "Author" type field. - Added: Options to set custom log directory and disable error logging. - Added: Option to inverse filter results for boolean type filters. - Improved: Allow using entity tags for custom button "External URL" setting. v1.3.67 - Apr 2, 2021 - Bug fixed: Fatal error when generating dummy field values for "Location" type field since v1.3.66. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with map marker infobox. v1.3.66 - Apr 1, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some display issues with filters in filter form when using select dropdown fields. - Bug fixed: Unable to set max number of frontend submissions allowed to "Unlimited" when using WordPress user role restriction type. - Added: Dummy field value generator for "Image" type field using Generated Photos API. - Added: GitHub and TripAdvisor account fields to "Social Accounts" type field. - Improved: Show invalid location(s) entered for "Location Search" form field on search results page. - Improved: German (de_CH/de_DE) language files. v1.3.64/1.3.65 - Mar 22, 2021 - Added: Dummy field value generator for "Opening Hours" type field. - Added: Option to remove trailing zeros for "Range" type field display element. - Added: Option to include content item title in search for "Paragraph Text" type and WordPress post content field filter. - Bug fixed: Error when importing location taxonomy terms by term ID. - Bug fixed: Some issues with caching facet counts in filter form. - Bug fixed: Some issues with sorting by field with multiple values. - Improved: Show distance for all locations in each listing for listings with multiple locations when sorting by distance. - Improved: Use lat/lng coordinates fetched by Google Maps Places API instead of Geocoding API if places autocomplete enabled. v1.3.62/1.3.63 - Mar 8, 2021 - Bug fixed: Filters for reviews not working on single listing page since one of recent updates. - Bug fixed: Several JavaScript related display issues with tabs and conditional rules. - Improved: Less SQL queries when updating content items. v1.3.61 - Mar 2, 2021 - Bug fixed: Review rating fields not showing correct values on form submit error. - Bug fixed: Deleted default fields being re-created after updating directory settings. - Bug fixed: Votes not showing up in votes panel on frontend dashboard page since v1.3.58. - Improved: Compatibility with WPML and Polylang. v1.3.59/1.3.60 - Feb 24, 2021 - Bug fixed: %id% placeholder in custom permalink format not working since v1.3.58. - Bug fixed: Several display issues with "Reference" type field since v1.3.58. v1.3.58 - Feb 22, 2021 - Added: PolyLang support for building multilingual directory. - Added: Option to specify house number position in geocoded street address. - Added: Options to select sort options for listings and reviews in frontend dashboard. - Bug fixed: Tag filter not showing all tag options on certain occasion. - Improved: More labels available for string translation with WPML and PolyLang. - Improved: Compatibility with contact us form created with HappyForms Pro. v1.3.56/1.3.57 - Feb 11, 2021 - Added: New "Appearance" settings section in backend for configuring primary/secondary colors and custom CSS. - Added: Option to set space between listings and map in view settings for "List" and "Masonry" view modes. - Added: "Monday - Friday", "Saturday - Sunday", "All week" options for "Opening Hours" field - Bug fixed: Some checkbox options being unchecked on form submit error. - Bug fixed: Enter key stopped working with search form since v1.3.54. v1.3.55 - Feb 2, 2021 - Bug fixed: Guest users unable to submit listings/reviews on certain occasion since v1.3.54. - Bug fixed: Constant DRTS_FRONTENDSUBMIT_LOGIN_DISABLE stopped working since one of recent updates. - Added: Option to set number of rows/cols for "Icon" field type. - Added: Option to specify number of auto-suggested posts for "Post Reference" field type. - Added: Options to select fields and whether or not to overwrite current data for "Load geolocation data" system tool. - Added: Allow adding custom frontend directory dashboard panels (see FAQ). - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.6.0. v1.3.54 - Jan 27, 2021 - Bug fixed: Facet count for ON/OFF field filter not working properly. - Bug fixed: Some JavaScript code missing when using [drts-entity] shortcode with "display_element" parameter. - Improved: Prevent form submission on hitting Enter key. - Added: Option to include/exclude empty rating reviews in review rating count. v1.3.53 - Jan 19, 2021 - Bug fixed: Fields being required even when those fields were hidden (by conditional rules, etc.) since v1.3.52. v1.3.52 - Jan 18, 2021 - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term filter not showing correct facet counts when using "Select list" filter type. - Bug fixed: Location address field not showing correct address in frontend on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: JavaScript errors on frontend dashboard page on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Bookmark button for guest users not working when button displayed using [drts-entity] shortcode with "display_element" parameter. - Added: Support for "JobPosting" schema type and its properties. v1.3.51 - Jan 13, 2021 - Bug fixed: Some issues with reCAPTCHA. - Bug fixed: Exclude taxonomy terms option for taxonomy term filter not working with multi-byte taxonomy terms. - Bug fixed: Some issues using [drts-directory-view] shortcode in Gutenberg. - Bug fixed: Vote counts could not be cleared if votes generated through dummy generator. - Improved: Compatibility with fitvids.js. - Improved: Non-top-level location taxonomy terms can be marked as required. v1.3.50 - Dec 29, 2020 - Bug fixed: Some PHP errors with PHP 8.0.0. - Bug fixed: Add display element button not showing available elements in modal window after adding "Card" display element. v1.3.49 - Dec 18, 2020 - Improved: Add support for include/exclude field settings when importing listings through WP All Import. - Improved: Compatibility with WPML String Translation. - Bug fixed: Listings without map location being counted in "Map" view mode when listings imported without lat/lng coordinates. - Bug fixed: Default search radius setting ignored when using "Search my location" feature of "Location" filter. - Bug fixed: Max upload size setting for "File" type field ignored since recent version. v1.3.48 - Dec 8, 2020 - Fixed: 3rd party vendor library requiring PHP 7.2.0 or up instead of PHP 5.4.0 since v1.3.47. v1.3.47 - Dec 7, 2020 - Added: Option to show filter form on mobile devices only for default view. - Added: Option to hide "Directories: Filter Form" widget on mobile devices. - Added: Option to disable link on map infobox title. - Added: Option to show or hide tab/column when no content to show for "Tab" and "Column" display elements. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with carousel slider on small screen devices. - Bug fixed: Map infobox in "Map" view mode ignoring "Select display" setting in view settings since recent v1.3.41. - Bug fixed: "Date" type field exporting/importing system date instead of site date. - Bug fixed: Security fix in v1.3.45 causing issue when importing CSV files with BOM character. - Improved: Exclude listings without lat/lng coordinates in "Map" view mode. - Improved: Compatibility with "The SEO Framework" plugin. v1.3.46 - Nov 27, 2020 - Security update: Patch for multiple cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. - Bug fixed: Sort by payment plan expiration date in descending order not working. - Bug fixed: Sort by newest/oldest first not working for posts with "Draft" status in frontend directory dashboard. - Added: Option to set scroll offset when "Scroll to item on marker click" enabled in view settings. - Added: Option to show post count as badge for "Child terms" display element. - Added: Option to sort listings by post expiration date in descending order. v1.3.43/1.3.44/1.3.45 - Nov 20, 2020 - Bug fixed: Listings being deactivated when expired even when "None" selected for "Action after payment plan expiration" setting. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Contact Form 7 special mail tags. - Bug fixed: Custom "Location" type field could not be exported. - Bug fixed: "Price" type field could not be exported/imported. - Bug fixed: Conditional rules for default "Listing Description" field not working properly on certain occasion. - Added: Option to specify decimal point character when importing "Number" type field. - Added: Option to choose currency symbol position for "Price" type field renderer. - Improved: Enable usage of tags for "Tab" display element label. v1.3.42 - Nov 14, 2020 - Added: Option to specify date format of date values in CSV file when importing "Date" type field. - Added: New "Reverse geocode address" system tool. - Added: Option to query posts/terms by slugs in view query settings. - Bug fixed: "Click Search my location button automatically on page load" setting for "Location" type field filter not working since recent updates. - Bug fixed: "Require location on map" setting for "Location" type field could not be disabled on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Address in map marker infobox not showing correctly on certain occasion. v1.3.40/1.3.41 - Nov 6, 2020 - Added: Option to hide map on small screen for "List" and "Masonry" view modes. - Added: Option to change "Appointment only" label for "Opening Hours" field type. - Bug fixed: Guest user bookmarks being reset after closing browser. - Bug fixed: "Hide empty" setting not working when "Hide count" setting enabled for "Choice" type field filter. - Bug fixed: Filters from other filter groups showing up in conditional rules setting for filters. - Improved: Compatibility with Avada theme page settings. v1.3.39 - Oct 30, 2020 - Bug fixed: "Range" type field filter showing invalid field prefix/suffix text since v1.3.38. - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Range" type field filter when using Safari browser. - Improved: Compatibility with Avada theme layout builder. v1.3.38 - Oct 28, 2020 - Bug fixed: "Require location on map" setting for "Location" type field not working since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Several issues displaying filter form and button since recent updates. - Improved: Show map on mobile devices if map enabled in view. v1.3.37 - Oct 17, 2020 - Bug fixed: "Autofill title from another field" feature not working on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Fatal error with "Number" type field filter since v1.3.36. - Improved: Allow using "Price" type field value as number dynamic tag in Elementor Pro. - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.5.3. v1.3.36 - Oct 10, 2020 - Added: "Text input", "Slider input", "Range list" filters for "Price" type field. - Added: Option to set gutter width of images displayed with "Default" field renderer for "Image" type field. - Added: Option to disable auto scroll after submitting filter form. - Bug fixed: Some CSS/JS issues in backend when Email verification feature of Directories Frontend plugin enabled. - Bug fixed: YouTube video controls not displayed with "Video" type field default renderer. - Improved: Allow guest checkout not only when user registration but also login enabled on WooCommerce checkout page. - Improved: Some display issues with "Photo Slider" view mode. - Improved: Add "_current_" support for "Choice" type field in "Query by field" setting of view. v1.3.35 - Oct 5, 2020 - Added: New %%user_username%% tag for reset password email. - Added: Option to change default slug for each content type. - Added: Option to set number of cached auto-suggest items for "Keyword Search" field. - Bug fixed: Required field setting not working when "Enable hierarchical dropdown" setting enabled for taxonomy term field. - Bug fixed: "Do not link" option for taxonomy term field display element not working since recent updates. - Improved: Compatibility with Themify themes. v1.3.34 - Sep 29, 2020 - Added: HappyForms plugin support for creating contact us forms. - Bug fixed: Guest users not able to continue as guest when submitting content if no guest info required since recent updates. v1.3.33 - Sep 24, 2020 - Added: Option to select default color field for taxonomies. - Added: Option to enable Google Maps like gesture handling for OpenStreetMap maps. - Bug fixed: Custom map marker cluster color not working since one of recent updates. - Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues with WPML. - Improved: Link "Author" field to Ultimate Member, BuddyPress, or PeepSo profile page. v1.3.32 - Sep 17, 2020 - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term (category, location, tag, custom taxonomies) filters not displayed on single term page when choosing "Select list" filter type. - Bug fixed: "Clear all" vote ratings from backend not working properly on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Filter button stops working on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Filter label for some filters not displayed in filter form. v1.3.31 - Sep 9, 2020 - Bug fixed: Map markers requiring double click to show content when marker clusters enabled in Google Maps. - Bug fixed: Error with BuddyPress, Ultimate Member, PeepSo profile page integration feature since v1.3.29. - Bug fixed: Frontend submission restriction feature related log messages appearing in error log even when feature disabled. v1.3.29/1.3.30 - Sep 5, 2020 - Bug fixed: "Open Now" label not showing up correctly on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues with WPML and WP ALL Import. - Bug fixed: Some CSS issues when native Bootstrap mode enabled. - Improved: Merge and reduce number of CSS files. v1.3.28 - Aug 28, 2020 - Added: Options to display overlay labels and buttons for "Columns" and "Column" display elements. - Bug fixed: [drts-entity] shortcode not working on single term page when using certain page builder since v1.3.26. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with voting (Bookmark, Upvote, Downvote) buttons. v1.3.27 - Aug 22, 2020 - Bug fixed: Some caching issues showing review submission form and claim listing forms in modal popup window. - Bug fixed: Modal window not showing properly on certain pages in backend since v1.3.26. - Improved: Submit currently active form when Enter button is pressed on login/registration page. v1.3.26 - Aug 21, 2020 - Added: Options to show review submission and claim listing forms in modal popup window. - Added: Option to select another "Date" type field as end date for "Date range picker" and "Date range list" filters. - Improved: Remove
tags before/after custom formatted location address. - Bug fixed: Exclude option ("-" prefix) not working with usernames for "Author" field type in "Query by field" view setting. - Bug fixed: Some issues with filter form facet count settings. - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.5.2. v1.3.25 - Aug 14, 2020 - Bug fixed: Map not showing when location address field placed inside accordion tab. - Bug fixed: Display issues with checkboxes in the backend. v1.3.24 - Aug 5, 2020 - Added: Option to hide certain terms from taxonomy term filter. - Added: Support for "price", "priceCurrency", "priceRange" schema.org properties with "Price" type field. - Bug fixed: Upload form field for "Image" and "File" type fields not working properly when no field label. - Bug fixed: bbPress forum roles showing up on directory permissions setting page. - Improved: Compatibility with template/theme builder functionality of Elementor, Divi, and Oxygen Builder. - Updated: Spanish language files. v1.3.23 - Jul 29, 2020 - Added: Option to disable default "Title" field and auto-populate title with value of another field. - Added: "Static map renderer" for "Location" and "Map" type fields (requires Google Maps Static API). - Bug fixed: Accordion tabs on add listing/review form unexpectedly submitting form when clicked. - Bug fixed: Issue with Indian number formatting. - Bug fixed: Display issue with "Rating" display element. - Updated: French language files (thanks to Eric Petit). - Updated: Font Awesome icons to v5.14.0. v1.3.22 - Jul 22, 2020 - Added: Option to show checkbox options in popup for "Choice" type field. - Bug fixed: Modal popup header display issue since v1.3.20. v1.3.20/1.3.21 - Jul 21, 2020 - Added: "Multi-select field" form field type for category and tag fields. - Bug fixed: Error when submitting lost password form with invalid username or email. - Bug fixed: Error when using %author_name% token for "Text" display element on certain occasion. - Improved: Compatibility with several themes. v1.3.19 - Jul 12, 2020 - Added: Option to show/hide lost password link in login form. - Added: Option to customize lost password e-mail. - Added: "Email", "URL", "Phone Number" type fields to "Extra fields to search" setting for "Keyword Search" field. - Bug fixed: Issue displaying photo slider with fixed height. - Bug fixed: "Allow integer numbers only" character validation option not working properly with numbers prefixed with "0"s. - Bug fixed: Some issues using multi-byte characters in directory slug. - Bug fixed: "Featured Item" and "Exp. Date" metaboxes not displayed on backend add/edit listing page to user roles with "Admin Directory" permission. - Updated: German (de_CH, de_DE) language files (thanks to Martin Sauter). v1.3.18 - Jul 5, 2020 - Bug fixed: Some issues with listing expiration feature added since v1.3.17. - Bug fixed: "Button" display element ignoring "Display as single dropdown" setting when only 1 button to display. - Bug fixed: "Slug (post_slug)" field could not be imported. - Added: German (de_CH) language files (thanks to Martin Sauter). v1.3.17 - Jul 3, 2020 - New: Ability to set expiration date for non-paid listings. - Added: Support for Koko Analytics and WP Statistics plugins for displaying view count. - Bug fixed: Verify account feature not working unless "Blacklist or whitelist email domains" setting switched on. - Bug fixed: Some issues counting bookmarks and votes on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: "Date" type field clear button not working since recent version. - Bug fixed: Field description not showing for some field types when "Hide label" setting switched on. - Bug fixed: "Link to Google Maps" setting for "Location" field type "Default" field renderer not working properly on certain devices. - Improved: Compatibility with Uncode theme when using single item page feature. - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS framework to v4.5.0. v1.3.16 - Jun 23, 2020 - New: Ability to define custom taxonomies and enable them per directory. - Added: New filter for "Single Line Text", "Email", "URL", "Phone" type fields for displaying content items based on whether or not field has been entered. - Bug fixed: Non-published payment plans showing up in pricing table. - Bug fixed: URL routing issue with multiple directories on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some issues using "_current_" parameter in "Query by field" setting for views. - Bug fixed: Some issues handling maximum number of files/images allowed upload with "Image" and "File" type fields. - Improved: Keyword search performance with "Search taxonomy term names" option. - Updated: Flatpickr.js language files. v1.3.15 - Jun 5, 2020 - Bug fixed: Several issues with subscription payment plan renewal/cancellation. - Bug fixed: Conditional rules not working properly with multi-select list field. - Bug fixed: Issue with filter form in map fullscreen mode since v1.3.12. - Added: "_current_user_" parameter option for "Author" field to conditionally show/hide field/content/filter by current user. - Added: "%date_published%"" and "%date_modified%" tags for "Text" display element. - Added: "Name" type field support for "Extra fields to include in search" feature of "Keyword Search" search field. - Improved: Compatibility with Flatsome theme. - Deprecated: Official support for "User Verification" plugin in favor of email verification feature added since v1.3.14. v1.3.14 - May 27, 2020 - New: Email verification feature for new user registrations. - Added: Option to show label for add item button on dashboard page. - Added: Options to set color and custom button label for pricing table. - Added: Option to sort taxonomy terms by term content count. - Added: New DRTS_FRONTENDSUBMIT_LOGIN_DISABLE constant to force disable custom login/registration features. - Added: Option to disable "the_content" filter for "Listing Description" and "Review" fields (wp_post_content). - Bug fixed: "Account" dashboard panel ignoring backend custom label/sort settings. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with "Photo slider" field renderer for "Image" type field since v1.3.13. - Bug fixed: "Add more" button not working for fields without field label. - Bug fixed: Bookmark button icon not displayed to guest users. - Bug fixed: Fatal error when querying listings by tags on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some issues with taxonomy terms and WPML. - Bug fixed: "Show parent terms" setting for taxonomy term field renderer not working since v1.3.13. v1.3.13 - May 14, 2020 - Added: Options to include items with earlier/later date values for "Date" type field filter. - Added: Options to show top level or top level parent terms only for taxonomy term field renderer. - Bug fixed: Several display issues on single taxonomy term page since v1.3.12. - Bug fixed: "Visible in backend only" for fields not working properly on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Frontend submission restriction by WooCommerce Memberships membership not working properly. - Bug fixed: Dashboard panel labels on WooCommerce My Account page ignoring backend settings. - Improved: "Open Now" label to use timezone configured in WordPress if no timezone set for listing. - Improved: Compatibility with Hello Elementor theme. - Improved: Compatibility with breadcrumbs feature of 3rd party plugins. v1.3.12 - May 4, 2020 - Added: Option to set fixed slider height when using "Photo slider" field renderer for "Image" type field. - Added: Option to enable/disable/sort/rename "Change password" and "Delete account" pages for "Account" dashboard panel. - Added: Option to use Masonry JavaScript library for "Masonry" view mode. - Improved: Compatibility with "Rank Math SEO" plugin breadcrumbs. - Bug fixed: "ItemReviewed" schema property displayed for unsupported schema types. - Bug fixed: Error when deleting listings or reviews on frontend dashboard page on certain occasion when filters enabled in dashboard. - Bug fixed: Display issue with reCAPTCHA form field when using reCAPTCHA v2. - Bug fixed: Some issues with hierarchy dropdown fields and conditional rules. - Bug fixed: Compatibility with "Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order" plugin broken since v1.3.10. - Bug fixed: 6 columns option not working with "Masonry" view mode. - Bug fixed: Filter for "Opening Hours" field disappeared from available filter list. v1.3.10/1.3.11 - Apr 24, 2020 - Bug fixed: "No payment plan" option could not be selected when submitting listings with Draft status from frontend directory dashboard. - Bug fixed: Display issue with "Field List" display element since v1.3.9. - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Field List", "Group", "Tabs", "Columns" display elements in backend. - Bug fixed: "Date" type field not showing correct date on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some field settings not imported when importing directory settings. - Bug fixed: Hierarchical dropdown fields not loading options automatically when editing listings since v1.3.8. - Bug fixed: "Bottom" option for "Map position" setting in view settings not working properly. - Improved: Some display issues with "Carousel slider" view mode. - Improved: French and Spanish language files. v1.3.9 - Apr 17, 2020 - Added: Option to set search form fields as required. - Added: New "All" option for Google Maps Place Autocomplete place type setting. - Bug fixed: Hierarchical dropdown option for "Categories" and "Locations" filters not working when filter form has auto-submit enabled and displayed in modal window. - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Field List" display element in backend. - Bug fixed: "Date" type field filter displaying duplicate date picker fields when filter form displayed in modal window. - Bug fixed: Some issues when querying terms by parent in view settings since v1.3.8. v1.3.8 - Apr 14, 2020 - Added: New "Price" type field. - Added: Option to link photos to post for "Image" type field "Photo Slider" field renderer. - Added: CSV files can be imported from wp-conetnt/uploads/drts/CSV. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with "Field List" display element. - Improved: Allow specifying multiple parent term IDs or slugs when querying terms by parent in view settings. - Updated: Font Awesome icons to v5.13.0. v1.3.7 - Apr 4, 2020 - Added: Month picker filter for "Date" type field. - Bug fixed: Delete Account feature in directory dashboard not working properly. - Bug fixed: PHP warning error with location search field and location term filter on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with Masonry view mode when viewing with Safari 13.1. - Bug fixed: Conditional filters not working properly when using taxonomy term names in conditional rule. v1.3.6 - Mar 31, 2020 - Added: Option to use value of another field as custom button label for "Button" display element. - Added: Tokens for dynamically embedding field values into "Text" display element. - Added: Conditionally display elements based on whether or not content item is featured. - Improved: Compatibility with Divi theme. - Bug fixed: Guest users not able to bookmark/unbookmark multiple listings/reviews at once. - Bug fixed: Error with Mapbox Geocoding when location not found. - Bug fixed: Some issues with login/registration form translations. - Bug fixed: Comments not showing up for listings translated with WPML. - Bug fixed: Map markers not cleared after submitting filter form when "Load more button" pagination type enabled in view settings. - Bug fixed: Some issue with URL fragment in permalink URL. - Bug fixed: "Tab" display element not hidden even when empty. v1.3.5 - Mar 24, 2020 - Added: Support for conditional rules in displays with "Tags" field. - Added: CSV importer/exporter for "Name" type field. - Added: Dummy content generator for "Name" type field. - Added: Dummy content generator option for "Image" type field using ui-faces.co API. - Added: Option to show month picker (month and year only) for "Date" type field. - Added: Option to display all accordion tabs closed by default for "Tabs" display element. - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Location" type field when map provider not enabled. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with native Bootstrap mode. - Bug fixed: Some issues with widget settings form in Appearance -> Widgets. - Bug fixed: Some issues rendering views for "Reference" type field. - Bug fixed: Query by term content count not working with taxonomy term views. - Bug fixed: Some issues with taxonomy term filters with conditional rules on single taxonomy term page. - Bug fixed: Error when creating fields with field name more than 44 characters. - Bug fixed: Removed extra double quotes and empty id attributes in HTML. - Bug fixed: Plugin data not removed on uninstallation even when "Remove data" option switched on in uninstall settings. v1.3.4 - Mar 12, 2020 - New: Allow guest users to bookmark listings/reviews. - Added: Bookmark listing/review permission options. - Added: Option to show bookmarked items only in view query settings. - Added: Option to enable/disable/rename/sort Votes dashboard sub-panels (Votes, Ratings, Bookmarks). - Added: Option to set number of items to process per request for "Refresh field cache" and "Load geolocation data" system tools. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term filters disappearing from filter form on certain occasions since v1.3.0. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term selections being cleared on form submission error in backend. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with checkboxes in backend since v1.3.0. v1.3.3 - Mar 7, 2020 - Added: Option to set number of records to process per request for "Recount posts" and "Sync taxonomy terms" system tools. - Added: {country_code} tag for custom location address format. - Improved: String type fields (Single Line Text, Email, URL, Phone Number) can be displayed on "All Listings", "Reviews", "Claims" pages in backend. - Bug fixed: Scroll to top of page after submitting filter form not working properly since v1.3.0. - Bug fixed: Conditional rules for fields not working properly since v1.3.0. - Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues with Ultimate Member. - Bug fixed: Some compatibility issues using WPBakery Page Builder on single item page. - Bug fixed: Payment settings not showing correct values after updating from v1.2.x. v1.3.2 - Mar 2, 2020 - Added: Option to enable/disable filters on frontend directory dashboard page. - Added: Option to require/unrequire location on map for "Location" type field. - Added: Option to use value of another field as display label for "URL", "Email", "Phone Number" type fields. - Improved: Payment plan names and IDs can be used in conditional rules. - Improved: Compatibility with Newspaper theme. - Bug fixed: Author option disappeared under contact form recipients setting since v1.3.0. - Bug fixed: Image hover zoom and brighten effect for "Image" type field not working when displaying multiple images. v1.3.0/1.3.1 - Feb 25, 2020 - Added: Conditional rules support for display elements. - Added: Conditional rules support for filters. - Added: New "Name" type field. - Added: New "Account" panel on frontend dashboard with "Change Password" and "Delete Account" pages. - Added: New padding, margin, font CSS settings for display elements in "Manage Displays" section. - Added: New "Range List" filter for "Number" type field. - Added: New "Date Range List" and "Age Range" filters for "Date" type field. - Added: New "Back button" button option for "Button" display element. - Added: Option to set default year for "Date" type field and its date range filter. - Added: Option to show small map on the right side or bottom of listings for "List" and "Masonry" view mode. - Added: Option to conditionally show custom label for "Labels" display element. - Added: Option to show other field values as custom label for "Labels" display element. - Added: Option to sort choice options by option label for "Choice" type field. - Added: Option to show hierarchical dropdowns for category/location "Select list" filter. - Added: Option to require consent from user before displaying map. - Added: Option to show rounded square or circle shaped thumbnails for "Directories: Directory - Listings" and "Directories: Directory - Related Listings" widgets. - Added: Conditionally display claim fields depending on claim status. - Added: Support for Elementor Pro dynamic tag feature to display Directories Pro field values. - Bug fixed: Some CSS issues on frontend dashboard. - Improved: Some CSS issues with display element headings. - Updated: Bootstrap v4.4.1. v1.2.93 – Feb 14, 2020 - Bug fixed: Error when creating payment plans since v1.2.92. v1.2.92 – Feb 11, 2020 - Bug fixed: Upgrade payment plan option not displayed on frontend dashboard page when only "Subscription" payment plans available (no "Base" payment plans). - Bug fixed: Icon picker trying to show FontAwesome Pro icons since v1.2.87. - Bug fixed: Some issues when re-displaying ACF fields on form submission error. - Added: New shortcode parameter to NOT disable search form button on form submission when using Safari browser. - Improved: WPML compatibility. v1.2.91 – Feb 7, 2020 - Bug fixed: Dropdown buttons not working properly since v1.2.90. - Bug fixed: Fix issue with "Scroll to item on marker click" option when sticky map disabled. - Bug fixed: Some issues displaying comments in "Summary" display. - Improved: RTL language compatibility. v1.2.90 – Feb 6, 2020 - Added: Options to set "rel" and "target" attributes for "Button" display element custom buttons. - Improved: Allow sorting of content items by "ON/OFF" type field. - Bug fixed: Search form button and browser back button issue with Safari. - Bug fixed: Checkbox and radio button form fields not clickable in RTL. - Bug fixed: Some URL routing issues with WPML since v1.2.89. - Bug fixed: Filter form not appearing in full screen mode since recent updates. - Updated: Polish language files (thanks to Mateusz). v1.2.89 – Jan 31, 2020 - Improved: Add option to filter by subscription payment plans on backend "All Listings" page. - Improved: Tooltips for map control buttons are now translatable. - Added: Option to show custom filter group in "Directories: Filter Form" widget. - Added: Missing "sort_payment_plans" and "sort_payment_plans_order" parameters for [drts-directory-view] shortcode. - Bug fixed: HTML tags ignored in custom location address format since v1.2.87. - Bug fixed: "Opening Hours" field type could not be exported/imported since one of recent updates. - Changed: Deactivate (status set to draft) instead of un-assign payment plan from listings when subscription payment plan cancelled. v1.2.87/1.2.88 – Jan 28, 2020 - Added: Support for FontAwesome Pro. - Added: Italian (it_IT) language files (thanks to @cobraone72). - Added: Option to skip cart page and go straight to checkout. - Bug fixed: Dashboard panels not honoring dashboard panel sort order settings when displayed on WooCommerce "My Account" page. - Bug fixed: Some issues with URL routing when custom permalink URL includes "index.php". - Bug fixed: User being redirected to add listing page of wrong directory after login on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Error ordering add-on payment plans for subscription payment plan. v1.2.86 – Jan 21, 2020 - Bug fixed: Map not displayed when initially hidden inside secondary tab or accordion. - Bug fixed: Featured listings not un-featured after expiration since one of recent updates. - Bug fixed: ACF field error not stopping form submission and saving posts as draft. - Bug fixed: Post and term titles displaying html entity characters since v1.2.85. - Bug fixed: "Review Rating" sort option could not be translated through language file. - Improved: Show items authored by post author instead of current user in "Reference" and "Post Reference" type field auto-suggest list. - Improved: Compatibility with Elementor displaying post content using [drts-entity] shortcode. v1.2.85 – Jan 15, 2020 - Bug fixed: Field settings not showing up when selecting "Checkboxes" form field type for taxonomy term fields since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Field prefix/suffix for "Single Line Text" and "Number" type fields were not translatable through WPML. - Bug fixed: Filter button being displayed even when there is no filter to show. - Improved: Make sure "the_title" WordPress filter hook is applied when displaying content title for better compatibility with other plugins. - Improved: Make sure "get_the_excerpt" WordPress filter hook is applied when displaying content excerpt for better compatibility with other plugins. v1.2.84 – Jan 6, 2020 - Improved: For listings with multiple locations, show locations only that matched search/filter query in search results instead of showing all locations. - Bug fixed: Duplicated fields showing up in "Manage Fields" section on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Dashboard panels not showing up on Ultimate Member profile page since recent update of UM. - Added: Option to show/hide add listing button on dashboard page. v1.2.83 – Dec 21, 2019 - Improved: Allow guest users to claim listings if signup on checkout enabled and guest checkout disabled in WooCommerce. - Improved: Add option to create non-existent location taxonomy terms when importing listings. - Bug fixed: Listings not showing up in search results on certain occasion when searching by current user location. - Bug fixed: "Field Template" display element not showing content when placed inside "Field List" display element. - Bug fixed: Directory permissions not being imported/exported correctly. - Bug fixed: Some issues with loading Google Maps API related JavaScript files. - Bug fixed: Category and tag features not showing up in pricing table. - Added: German (de_DE) language files except for Directories - Payments plugin (thanks to Marcus Schröder). - Updated: Font Awesome icons to v5.12.0. v1.2.82 – Dec 13, 2019 - Bug fixed: Error with ACF fields when using [drts-add-directory-listing-form] shortcode with Elementor. - Bug fixed: HTML tags not being stripped off from post titles. - Improved: Load geolocation data tool to work with not only default "Location" field but also with "Location" type custom fields. - Improved: Show delete buttons instead of checkboxes for "Photos" field and "File" or "Image" type custom fields. - Added: Option to filter listings in backend by featured, non-featured, or feature priorities. - Added: Option to import/export "File" or "Image" type fields by attachment IDs. v1.2.80/1.2.81 – Dec 3, 2019 - Added: Support for "User Verification" plugin to require e-mail verification or manual approval for activating newly registered user accounts. - Bug fixed: Logout button always shown on dashboard page since v1.2.77. - Bug fixed: Lost/reset password pages not working when using [drts-frontend-login] shortcode. - Bug fixed: More issues with shortcode not displaying videos on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Error message returned by Google Maps API not being displayed. - Bug fixed: Minimum/maximum length settings not working correctly with Listing Description field. - Improved: Compatibility with Divi theme and possibly other themes when using single item page feature. - Updated: French language files. v1.2.79 – Nov 27, 2019 - Bug fixed: Additional number of categories/tags purchased through add-on payment plans not being applied correctly on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Videos uploaded through "File" type field not showing up correctly in frontend with shortcode when page requested via AJAX. - Bug fixed: Price setting fields not showing up when editing existing subscription payment plans. - Bug fixed: Custom labels for "Labels" display element not being displayed in frontend. - Improved: Enable "Visible to selected roles only" setting for categories and tags form fields. - Updated: Polish language files (thanks to Mateusz). v1.2.78 – Nov 23, 2019 - Bug fixed: 404 page not found error when editing listings through BuddyPress dashboard. v1.2.77 – Nov 20, 2019 - Bug fixed: "Additional number of tags/categories allowed" settings in Payment Plan metabox not working correctly. - Improved: Added 5/12 and 7/12 options to "Column width" setting for "Column" display element. - Improved: Show logout button in dashboard sidebar instead of in the navigation bar. - Improved: Redirect to dashboard page by default after login instead of homepage. - Improved: Allow block level HTML tags in pricing table payment plan description section. - Improved: Added some missing French language phrases for lost/reset password pages. - Added: "Max number of suggested items" setting to "Reference" type field. v1.2.76 – Nov 13, 2019 - Bug fixed: Character validation options for "Paragraph Text" type field not working correctly. - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Text range input" filter for "Number" and "Range" type fields. - Bug fixed: Some display issues when using custom "Image" type field as default icon field for categories. - Improved: Hide contact form if no recipient e-mail address. - Improved: Compatibility with BuddyPress 5.0. - Improved: Added some missing phrases in French language files. - Improved: Show payment plan name and expiration date for each listing on "All Listings" page in admin dashboard. - Improved: Show pending listing/review/claim counts for each directory in admin dashboard sidebar. - Improved: Use some new functions in WordPress 5.3 when possible. - Added: Option to enable center mode for slider displayed in "Carousel" view mode. v1.2.75 – Nov 11, 2019 - Bug fixed: "Open Now" label not being displayed since v1.2.70. - Bug fixed: Some PHP Notice level errors. - Improved: Enable "_current_" option in "Query by field" setting for "Parent Term" field to query terms by current term ID. - Improved: Include null values when querying "ON/OFF field" with 0. - Added: Check for GD support in System -> System Info -> Server environment. v1.2.74 – Nov 4, 2019 - Bug fixed: Social media icons not showing correctly in Social Accounts field filter. - Bug fixed: Invalid Spanish language file name for Directories Pro (directories-pro) plugin. - Added: Option to add "ugc" "sponsored" rel attributes to external links rendered with "URL", "Title", and "Social Accounts" field types. - Added: Option to sort taxonomy terms in views by custom order configured using "Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order" plugin. v1.2.73 – Oct 30, 2019 - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term custom permalink URL reverting back to original when using sort/pagination/filter. - Bug fixed: Display issues with "Tabs" display element when used in "Summary" display and "Display tabs as accordion" setting enabled. - Bug fixed: "Link image to" setting for "Image" type field display element not working on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Contact form notifications not being sent to correct e-mail address when displayed using "display_element" parameter with [drts-entity] shortcode. - Added: Turkish (tr_TR) language files (thanks to Miguel Martinez). - Added: "Select list" form field type for "Location" type field (both default and custom). v1.2.72 – Oct 21, 2019 - Bug fixed: URL rewriting issues on single taxonomy term pages since v1.2.70. v1.2.71 – Oct 20, 2019 - Bug fixed: Directory settings not being saved correctly since v1.2.70. - Bug fixed: User registration possible without checking privacy policy consent checkbox since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Review published notification not being sent on certain occasions. - Improved: Add option to select 12/24 time format for "Date" type field. - Improved: Add option to hide empty options for "Choice" type field filter. - Improved: Compatibility with "Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order" plugin. - Added: Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) language files (thanks to Gledson Ximenes). v1.2.70 – Oct 18, 2019 - Bug fixed: Formatting issues when displaying "Date" type field with custom date format. - Bug fixed: Some PHP Notice level errors. - Improved: Add "All hours", "Closed", "Appointment only" options to "Opening hours" field. - Improved: Compatibility with wpDiscuz plugin. - Improved: Add support for Contact Form 7 post related special mail tags. - Improved: Add option to display voting and review rating filters as checkboxes or select dropdown. - Updated: Font Awesome icons to v5.11.2. v1.2.69 – Oct 9, 2019 - Bug fixed: "Continue as Guest" section on login/registration page showing up on certain occasion even when guest has no valid permission to proceed. - Bug fixed: Some issues with translations. - Bug fixed: Some issues with minified CSS. - Improved: Messages submitted through Contact Us form can be sent to multiple e-mail addresses entered with custom E-mail Address type field. - Added: Option to use default WordPress editor for Listing Description field when editing posts from backend. v1.2.68 – Oct 3, 2019 - Bug fixed: Payment plan settings not displayed on WooCommerce Products page when directory name ends with "_". - Bug fixed: Some issues with directory dashboard page. - Bug fixed: Display issue with dropdown buttons on mobile device. - Added: Polish language files (thanks to Mateusz). v1.2.67 – Sep 24, 2019 - Bug fixed: Uploading files/images from frontend not working with some servers. - Bug fixed: Single item pages being un-assinged when saving Directories -> Settings. - Bug fixed: Invalid CSS class shown for each display element on Manage Displays section in backend. v1.2.66 – Sep 20, 2019 - Improved: Better compatibility using Beaver Builder to customize single item pages. - Bug fixed: Some more display issues with RTL. - Bug fixed: Voting values (bookmarks, ratings, up/down votes) being reset when listing edited from backend since recent updates. - Bug fixed: "Skip cart/checkout pages for free payment plans" setting not working on certain occasions. v1.2.64/1.2.65 – Sep 18, 2019 - Improved: Added missing alt image tag attributes. - Bug fixed: Display issues with RTL. - Bug fixed: SSL issue with Vimeo video thumbnails. - Bug fixed: Some issues with search when using multiple view shortcodes on directory main page since v1.2.60. v1.2.63 – Sep 13, 2019 - Added: New "Review Published" notification sent to listing authors. - Added: Option to show checkbox form field (ON/OFF type field) as toggle switch button. - Added: New Spanish language files (thanks to TodoPerros). - Improved: Allow specifying default term for Category/Location selection search field. v1.2.62 – Sep 6, 2019 - Bug fixed: [drts-entity] with "id" parameter not working since v1.2.60. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Enfold theme. - Bug fixed: Language files for Date type field not being loaded in recent versions. - Improved: Do not show add listing button on directory dashboard page when frontend submit feature disabled. - Improved: Better integration with WooCommerce Memberships. v1.2.61 – AUG 29, 2019 - Bug fixed: Issue with PHP 7.1 or up in v1.2.60. v1.2.60 – AUG 28, 2019 - Added: Options to configure custom tile URL and map attribution for OpenStreetMap map provider. - Added: Option to skip cart/checkout pages when adding or claiming listings with free payment plan. - Added: Option to expire payment plans when WooCommerce Memberships membership becomes inactive. - Added: New "Text range input field" form type for "Number" and "Range" type field filter. - Improved: Vote up/down buttons enabled for listings. - Bug fixed: Map markers not showing up on map on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Salient, Enfold, and Avada themes. - Bug fixed: Elementor elements not rendering properly when using Elementor builder on single item page. - Bug fixed: Search results displayed multiple times when using multiple view shortcodes on directory main page. - Bug fixed: Payment plan expiration date not being exported when using custom PHP format. - Bug fixed: WooCommerce "My account" Page Integration Settings not appearing on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Some JavaScript issues in the backend. v1.2.59 – AUG 14, 2019 - Bug fixed: Missing CSS class causing layout issue when grid layout is disabled in List view mode since v1.2.58. - Bug fixed: Title and Listing Description fields still showing up in frontend even when disabled in payment plan settings. v1.2.58 – AUG 11, 2019 - Bug fixed: Additional features for listings with subscription payment plan could not be saved from backend. - Bug fixed: "Load more button" pagination not working when grid layout disabled in List view mode. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with Video type field. - Bug fixed: Some JavaScript issues with Choice type field. - Bug fixed: "Open link in" setting not appearing when "Link to Google Maps" setting switched on for Location field display element. - Improved: Subscription payment plans can now be upgraded/downgraded without cancelling current subscription. - Improved: Do not show login/register page if custom login/registration forms not enabled and no guest info required. - Improved: Hide payment plans restricted by WooCommerce Memberships membership if no valid membership when adding listings. v1.2.57 – AUG 6, 2019 - Added: Option to disable media buttons for "WordPress editor" form field type. - Added: Option to remove protocol (http/https) for URL type field. - Added: Option to disable fancy dropdown for taxonomy term, Choice, and Time type field filters. - Bug fixed: Dashboard panel names in backend settings not being reflected in frontend. - Bug fixed: Error when deactivating WooCommerce Subscriptions when one or more subscription payment plans active. - Bug fixed: Directory pages not editable with Elementor editor. - Bug fixed: Search form not able to submit search for fields disabled in default search form settings. - Bug fixed: ACF field group setting for "ACF Field" display element reverting back to default. - Improved: Show error when entering text longer than 255 characters for option values in Choice type field. - Improved: Save CSV import field mapping settings for later re-use. - Improved: Show better error message when importing images/files for Image/File type fields. - Improved: Add "alt" attribute to map marker images. v1.2.56 – JUL 20, 2019 - Added: Option to show pricing table on add/claim listing page (Directories -> Settings -> Payment). - Added: Option to show checkboxes/radios in multiple columns for Categories, Locations, Tags, and Choice type field filters. - Bug fixed: Login/register form not displayed to guest users when no guest information is required for submitting posts. - Bug fixed: Street View field renderer could not be selected for Location type field since recent versions. - Bug fixed: Some issues with browser back button and multi-step form submission. - Bug fixed: Conditional rules for fields not working properly on certain occasions. v1.2.55 – JUL 16, 2019 - Bug fixed: No payment plan option description not showing up when claiming listings. - Bug fixed: Map markers not being displayed on map on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Some PHP date format settings in WordPress not working correctly in date picker form field. - Added: drts_location_address_search_max_radius filter hook for modifying maximum search radius (default: 100). - Added: Option to disable fancy dropdown for Location Selection Search and Category Selection Search form fields. v1.2.54 – JUL 2, 2019 - Added: Option to set no payment plan option description. - Bug fixed: Categories could not be saved in backend when hierarchical dropdown option enabled for "Categories" field. - Bug fixed: Default field renderer for "Time" type field showing day of week and end time even when disabled in field settings. - Improved: Do not require "Address Line 2" input field of "Location" type field. v1.2.53 – JUN 25, 2019 - Added: Option to link review images to listings. - Improved: Compatibility with some themes. - Improved: "Secondary sort order" option in view settings no longer needs to be one of options selected for "Sort options". - Bug fixed: Listings without reviews not showing up when sorted by review rating. - Bug fixed: Facet count cache not cleared after listings created/updated. v1.2.52 – JUN 20, 2019 - Improved: Video type field now accepts video URLs in addition to video IDs. - Bug fixed: Random sort order not working properly on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Facebook App ID not included in OpenGraph meta tags even when configured in settings. v1.2.51 – JUN 18, 2019 - Added: Option to set Facebook App ID for Open Graph meta tags. - Bug fixed: Content items referenced with "Reference" type field not showing up in displays on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Old custom permalink settings not being removed causing 404 error on certain occasions. v1.2.50 – JUN 15, 2019 - Bug fixed: Bookmarks, Rating, Votes fields appearing in Manage Fields section since v1.2.49. - Bug fixed: Browser freezing when invalid lat/lng values entered in Location field. v1.2.49 – JUN 14, 2019 - Added: "Load More" button pagination option for "List" view mode in "Pagination Settings" section for views. - Added: Show list of bookmarks and ratings on backend edit listing page with "Clear all" button. - Added: Show list of bookmarks and votes on backend edit review page with "Clear all" button. - Added: Options to query listings by bookmark count, rating sum, and/or review rating in "Query by field" setting for views. - Added: Options to query reviews by bookmark count and/or vote sum in "Query by field" setting for views. - Bug fixed: Link to images rendered by "Gallery" field renderer not working properly since recent versions. v1.2.48 – JUN 5, 2019 - Added: Option to enable hierarchical dropdowns for selecting categories. - Added: Option to always use default location as map center. - Bug fixed: Review Rating sort option not appearing since v1.2.47. - Bug fixed: Some minor JavaScript errors. - Improved: Better compatibility with WordPress template hierarchy. - Improved: Ability to embed current user information or use shortcode in custom not found text for views. - Improved: Some CSS compatibility issues. - Improved: Less timeout errors with geolocation. - Updated: Bootstrap CSS/JS library to v4.3.1. v1.2.47 – MAY 31, 2019 - Added: reCAPTCHA v3 support. - Added: ID field display element (outputs ID of post/term). - Added: Option to exclude post content from keyword search. - Bug fixed: Custom CSS not editable when switching tabs under Manage Displays section. - Bug fixed: Some translation issues with view sort options. - Updated: Directory icons updated to latest version of Dashicons. v1.2.46 – MAY 25, 2019 - Added: Option to set placeholder text for Title and Tags fields. - Bug fixed: JavaScript error with Google Maps Places Autocomplete. - Bug fixed: Secondary sort order for views could not be empty. - Bug fixed: Map not shown in tab when tab is initially hidden and using custom URL hash. - Improved: CSS compatibility with themes. - Updated: Font Awesome icons to v5.8.2. v1.2.45 – MAY 20, 2019 - Added: Option to specify secondary sort order in view settings. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term filter not showing correct post counts when WPML enabled. - Bug fixed: Bookmark button not working when displayed with [drts-entity] shortcode and "display_element" parameter. - Bug fixed: System tools not completing when exception thrown on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Fix some form input issues with "Time" type field. - Bug fixed: Auto-populate option for "Single Line Text", "Email", "URL" type fields not working. v1.2.43/1.2.44 – MAY 15, 2019 - Bug fixed: Some issues with filtering by taxonomy terms since v1.2.42. - Bug fixed: Generate terms first so that correct terms can be associated with posts when using Generate Translations tool. - Improved: Enable/disable reCAPTCHA field separately for login, registration, and guest posting forms. v1.2.42 – MAY 12, 2019 - Added: New carousel slider view mode. - Added: "Claimed" listing label. - Added: Cache settings for displays rendered by view. - Added: New "Post Reference" field to relate WordPress posts with posts/terms in Directories Pro. - Bug fixed: Lost/reset password pages not working when using [drts-frontend-login] shortcode. - Bug fixed: HTML tags shown in form error messages. - Bug fixed: Reference type field importing/exporting single value only. - Bug fixed: Schema.org JSON-LD settings not saving some properties on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Match All option not working for taxonomy term filters. - Bug fixed: ACF field values not being saved in the frontend on certain occasion. - Improved: Generate "Featured Listings", "Map", "Recent Listings" views when directory created. - Improved: Compatibility with Bridge, Publisher, JupiterX themes. v1.2.41 – MAY 6, 2019 - Added: Option for displaying filter options for Choice type field by post count. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term content not showing on single term pages since v1.2.39. - Bug fixed: Sort by voting rating and bookmark count not working. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term cache not being cleared using "Refresh taxonomy term cache" tool on certain occasion. v1.2.40 – MAY 3, 2019 - Bug fixed: Filter label shown as "Array" with some filters when filter form submitted since version 1.2.39. v1.2.39 – MAY 1, 2019 - Added: Custom lost/reset password pages. - Bug fixed: Claims could not be approved/rejected since recent updates when payment features enabled. - Bug fixed: Map marker and lat/lng values disappearing from location/map field on form submission error. - Improved: Added i18n files to Select2 JavaScript library. v1.2.38 – APR 25, 2019 - Added: More shortcode parameters to [drts-directory-view] shortcode for overriding view configuration. - Added: Options to "Location" filter for automatically clicking "Search my location" button on map when page is initially loaded. - Bug fixed: More JavaScript errors with Internet Explorer 11. - Improved: Add link to images displayed with "Directories: Directory - Listings" and "Directories: Directory - Related Listings" widgets. - Improved: Close map infobox when browser window resized. v1.2.37 – APR 18, 2019 - Added: Ability for creating multiple filter groups and assign different field group to each view. - Added: "Current Location" button to Location type field to fetch user's current location and auto-fill values. - Added: "Number of columns" option to "Rating" and "Review Rating" filters. - Added: Filter hook "drts_wordpress_homepage_cache_lifetime" for modifying cache lifetime of Homepage Control components. - Added: New "responsive" parameter to [drts-directory-search] shortcode to enable/disable search form responsiveness. - Bug fixed: Schema.org "location" property not formatted correctly producing errors in Google structured data testing tool. - Bug fixed: Incorrect Schema.org properties shown on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Schema.org startDate/endDate properties not available for "Event" type. - Bug fixed: Glossary (A-Z) filter for Title field not showing post counts correctly. - Improved: Listings can now have the same custom permalink slug configured for category, location, or tag. v1.2.36 – APR 12, 2019 - Added: New tool for generating content item translations (listing/review/category/location/tag) and copying field values, if multiple languages are enabled in WPML. - Added: Option to set URL hash for each tab in Tabs display element to enable direct link to tab content. - Added: More options for configuring separator for display elements rendered by Group display element. - Bug fixed: Issue with redirection URL after login/registration through 3rd party login/registration plugin pages. - Bug fixed: Keyword input field filter not working since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Slider input field filter not working with Number type fields since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Map field renderer for Location type field not showing any content in map infobox. - Bug fixed: Checkout error when Directories Pro page is set as home page. - Improved: All system tools now use multiple Ajax requests to prevent possible server timeout. - Improved: Single taxonomy term page compatibility issues with some themes. v1.2.35 – APR 4, 2019 - Bug fixed: CSS issue with displaying thumbnail images since v1.2.34. - Bug fixed: Custom label for URL/Email/Phone type fields could not be translated through WPML. - Added: Option to hide/show review rating stars when no reviews. - Added: Option to disable auto-suggested listings in keyword search field. v1.2.34 – APR 2, 2019 - Added: Settings to limit number of frontend submitted listings and reviews (per listing). - Added: Settings to limit number of frontend submitted listings and reviews (per listing) by user role. - Added: Settings to limit number of frontend submitted listings and reviews (per listing) by WooCommerce Memberships membership. - Added: Option to show Summary display in map infobox. - Added: New "infobox" Summary display. - Added: Option to include greater/smaller values for Number type field filter. - Bug fixed: reCAPTCHA field not showing up in submission form since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Open Now label for Labels display element causing error since recent updates. - Bug fixed: JavaScript errors with Internet Explorer 11. - Bug fixed: Fields mappable with CSV columns not showing up properly in 2nd step of CSV import wizard on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Choice type field option labels could not be translated through WPML. - Bug fixed: Listing images not showing up in map markers since v1.2.33. - Bug fixed: File type options showing up in Image type field settings. - Improved: Custom address format settings now available for Location type custom fields. v1.2.33 – MAR 27, 2019 - Added: Option to show Tabs display element as accordion. - Added: Option to show items in 1/2/3/4/6 columns with Checklist field renderer for Choice type field. - Added: New filter for Author and User type fields. - Added: Missing 5/6 width option for Column display element. - Bug fixed: Password protection not working with single listing and review pages. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Be and Enfold themes. - Bug fixed: Location photos not showing up as map marker icons for listings with multiple locations. - Bug fixed: FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content) with masonry view mode. - Bug fixed: Attachments not being assigned to listings when importing with WP All Import since recent updates. - Bug fixed: [drts-directory-search] shortcode "fields" parameter not working properly. - Bug fixed: Cached login page being displayed even after logging in on certain occasion. - Improved: Include payment plan duration in pricing table. - Improved: Mark status of cancelled listings as draft only when previous status was pending. v1.2.32 – MAR 20, 2019 - Added: Option to select between 12/24 hour format for Time type field. - Added: Option to display user name only (no link) for Author field display element. - Bug fixed: CSV import not importing last row on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Photo slider photos not showing in full height on mobile devices. - Bug fixed: Some issues with File/Image type fields. v1.2.31 – MAR 18, 2019 - Added: Option to limit number of Reviews allowed to submit per Listing for each user. - Bug fixed: Content not being displayed with some themes since v1.2.30. - Bug fixed: Error messages not being displayed on certain occasion. - Improved: Clear directory dashboard posts panel post count cache when content items created or status changed. - Updated: FontAwesome icon library to v5.7.2. v1.2.30 – MAR 17, 2019 - Added: Option for displaying parent categories/locations to Categories/Locations display elements. - Bug fixed: Dashboard always showing posts with all statuses when "Include other user's posts" option enabled. - Bug fixed: CSV rows being skipped during import when Timezone API fails with error when fetching timezone ID. - Bug fixed: Maximum file size setting for Image/File type fields not working since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Subscription payment plan options not being displayed in directory dashboard. - Improved: Compatibility with more themes. v1.2.29 – MAR 8, 2019 - Added: Option to set payment plan renewal period in Directories -> Settings -> Payment. - Added: Option to hide post title for each listing in "Directories: Directory - Listings" widget. - Added: Option to set default value for Single Line Text, Paragraph Text, Number, URL, Email, Phone Number type fields. - Added: Option to set placeholder text for Single Line Text, URL, Email, Phone Number type fields. - Improved: Required fields no longer required when hidden by field conditional rules. - Improved: Compatibility with Total theme page options and custom single item page. - Improved: Sort listings by review ratings instead of vote ratings in frontend dashboard if reviews enabled. - Bug fixed: Conditional field rules not working properly on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Display element for Reference type custom fields not showing up on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Custom button link of Button display element not honoring custom permalink URL settings. - Bug fixed: Some default fields could not be disabled since recent updates. - Updated: French translation files. v1.2.28 – MAR 4, 2019 - Added: Custom address input field options for Location type custom field. - Added: Option to enable overwriting current field values when "Find on map" button clicked in location address field. - Added: Option to use custom Location type field as location search form field. - Added: Option to enable privacy mode for Video type field to load YouTube/Vimeo videos without cookies for GDPR compliance. - Improved: Child Terms display element to show terms in the order configured with "Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order" plugin. - Bug fixed: Display issues in Internet Explorer 11 when showing map above listings. - Bug fixed: Admin tabs not working with some themes. - Bug fixed: Longitude and map marker not being loaded on edit listing when longitude value is smaller than 1. - Bug fixed: Default CSS/JS not being loaded when using [drts-entity] shortcode with display_element parameter. v1.2.27 – FEB 25, 2019 - Improved: Detect timezone when importing location address values from CSV. - Added: New "delay_show" shortcode parameter for [drts-directory-search] shortcode to delay displaying of search form. - Bug fixed: Error when saving settings for Listing content type since v1.2.25. - Bug fixed: Fatal error when Add Listing button in view enabled and Directories - Frontend plugin deactivated later. v1.2.25/1.2.26 – FEB 21, 2019 - Improved: Compatibility with Astra/Enfold/Salient/The7/Total/X theme page options and custom single item page. - Added: Option to choose how to handle expired listings. - Bug fixed: Cron not running on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Tabs display element not creating all tabs when tab label contains multi-byte characters. - Bug fixed (v1.2.26): Fatal error in one of the files included with v1.2.25. v1.2.24 – FEB 17, 2019 - Improved: Compatibility issues with WPML. - Added: Option to display custom label for Phone Number field display element. - Bug fixed: Dashboard page for users with spaces in user name returning 404 not found error. - Bug fixed: "No payment plan" option not showing when claiming listings. - Bug fixed: Issues with Column display element when saving responsive settings. v1.2.23 – FEB 8, 2019 - Improved: Compatibility with Enfold/Divi/Extra themes. - Improved: Enable the use of custom image fields for category/tag/location as icons and/or map markers. - Improved: Compatibility with WPML string translation. - Improved: Compatibility with Ultimate Member custom user roles. - Bug fixed: Fix issues with usernames in directory dashboard URL since v1.2.22. - Bug fixed: Payment plan renewal grace period hard-coded in source code. - Bug fixed: User account created on guest checkout not assigned as listing author. - Bug fixed: Fetch timezone error with Google Maps Timezone API. - Bug fixed: Confirmation message not showing after submitting contact us form created with WPForms. - Bug fixed: Votes on public dashboard pages always showing votes by current user. - Bug fixed: Visibility settings tab not showing up for Reference type field. v1.2.22 – JAN 28, 2019 - New: BuddyPress plugin profile page integration. - New: Ultimate Member plugin profile page integration. - New: PeepSo plugin profile page integration. - Improved: Frontend dashboard can now show public content of any user. - Improved: Login/Registration page setting can be empty in Settings -> Pages. - Improved: Compatibility with WPML string translation. - Added: Option to set number of columns for taxonomy term checkbox field. - Added: Query by Video type field for views. - Bug fixed: Photoslider view mode skipping content item if no image. - Bug fixed: Upload max file size showing incorrect value on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Choice type field options were checked by default. - Bug fixed: Max/Min text length restriction not working properly for Single Line Text and Paragraph Text type fields. - Bug fixed: Display elements being hidden on the admin Manage Displays page on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some settings for Single Line Text type field not showing when editing. v1.2.21 – JAN 18, 2019 - Bug fixed: Users having to re-select payment plan after login even when selected before login. - Bug fixed: File upload error not being displayed in frontend. - Bug fixed: Unable to unselect current selection for Choice type field with select list form element type. - Added: Option to show featured items first on single term pages only. - Added: Option to show other user's posts in frontend dashboard if permissions granted. - Improved: Check conditional field rules server-side in addition to client-side. - Improved: "Recalculate review ratings" system tool to fix incorrect review counts. v1.2.20 – JAN 9, 2019 - Bug fixed: Google Maps Geocoding API "Unknown Error" when country code setting empty. - Improved: CSV Import - Allow import images from URLs without an image extension. v1.2.19 – JAN 7, 2019 - Bug fixed: "Submit for review" button now showing up in dashboard for deactivated listings. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with payment order action labels in the backend. v1.2.18 – JAN 5, 2019 - Bug fixed: WP embeds in listing description and review content fields not working since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Upload image field in the backend not working for taxonomy terms since v1.2.15. - Added: New DRTS_ENTITY_TAXONOMY_TERMS_CACHE_NUM constant to modify default taxonomy term cache num. v1.2.16/1.2.17 – JAN 4, 2019 - Bug fixed: Warning error on edit listing page when conditional fields enabled since v1.2.15. - Bug fixed: Fatal error on displaying listing payment orders on a certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Only "True" alert message shown when number of uploaded files exceeds maximum allowed. - Bug fixed: "_current_" option for taxonomy term fields in query settings of views not working on single term pages. - Bug fixed: Auto-suggest taxonomy terms in search form not working since v1.2.15. - Added: {latitude} {longitude} {timezone} tags to location address field renderer. - Added: Option to configure message (HTML) shown by views when no items found. - Improved: Redirect to frontend dashboard page when trying to view login page while logged in. v1.2.15 – DEC 28, 2018 - New: Support for Advanced Custom Fields to show ACF fields in frontend listing/review form. - Bug fixed: WooCommerce product info General tab being hidden for non Directories Pro product types. - Bug fixed: Fatal error on exporting directory settings on a certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Fatal error on generating dummy location address field data on a certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Some issues with auto-suggest settings for keyword search form field. - Bug fixed: Form submission error when using search form shortcode on add listing page. - Bug fixed: Cron not running at all since recent updates. - Bug fixed: Display issues with some themes on single category pages. - Bug fixed: .mov/.qt files not recognized as movie files. - Added: Option to manually submit filter form. - Improved: Compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin. v1.2.13/1.2.14 – DEC 14, 2018 - New: Support for multiple "Summary" displays, lets you optionally use a different display for each view. - Bug fixed: Payment related database tables not being deleted during uninstall on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Post status of claims submitted by non-admin users not possible to approve/reject on order complete. - Bug fixed: Dashboard panels not showing correct content on My Account page on certain occasion. - Bug fixed: Voting Rating display element showing raw JavaScript code in "Summary" display when "Read only" option disabled. - Bug fixed: Some strings not translatable through WPML String Translation. - Bug fixed: Hide post count option for auto-suggest taxonomy terms in keyword search form field not working. - Bud fixed: Duplicate "Max file size" setting for Image type field. - Bug fixed: Some PHP errors. - Added: Field renderer (display element) for displaying modified date of posts. - Added: New constant DRTS_RECAPTCHA_DISABLE to force disable reCAPTCHA on forms. - Improved: Directories - Listings widget to show taxonomy term specific listings on single taxonomy term pages. - Improved: Redirect to frontend dashboard page after login if frontend dashboard enabled. v1.2.12 – NOV 27, 2018 - Added: New "Change table collation" system tool to resolve database table collation issues. v1.2.11 – NOV 23, 2018 - New: "Directories - Faker" plugin for generating dummy directory content. - Bug fixed: Some issues with database table collation. - Improved: More improvements with CSV import/export. - Improved: Clear display element cache when its settings updated. - Added: Importable demo categories, locations, and tags. - Added: Option to hide Timezone selection field when map disabled. v1.2.10 – NOV 19, 2018 - Bug fixed: Redirection issue with claiming listings after login through WP default login page. - Bug fixed: Upgrade to paid plan button not showing up on frontend dashboard for no payment plan listings. - Bug fixed: Display element for File type field not showing up in Manage Displays. - Bug fixed: Some issues with filter settings in Manage Views -> Manage Filters. - Improved: Greatly improved speed and reliability of CSV import/export. - Improved: Allow inline HTML tags in payment plan description. v1.2.9 – NOV 14, 2018 - Bug fixed: "Continue as guest" option shown when guest user tries to claim a listing. - Bug fixed: Some issues with sticky map width when switching on/off fullscreen mode. - Bug fixed: Contact us form message sent only to site e-mail address when payment features disabled. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with location address field filter. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Glossary (A-Z) filter. - Bug fixed: Some issues using [drts-dashboard] shortcode. - Improved: Do not hide filter form on submit if "Show filters by default" option enabled. - Added: Option to specify a CSS ID to field/display/filter elements. - Updated: FontAwesome to v5.5.0. v1.2.8 – NOV 12, 2018 - New: Charge users for claiming existing listings. - New: "No payment plan" option can be added to payment plan selection form to bypass cart/checkout. - New: Options to specify top offset for sticky and fullscreen mode maps. - New: Options to specify filter button icon/label. - Bug fixed: Some issues with taxonomy term caching. - Bug fixed: Map marker not centered when showing single map marker with OpenStreetMap. - Bug fixed: Some display issues with select taxonomy term dropdown. - Bug fixed: Empty link in breadcrumb when content title empty. - Bug fixed: WP All Import support not working for WP All Import Pro version. - Bug fixed: Some issues with filters causing browser to freeze. v1.2.7 – NOV 7, 2018 - Bug fixed: Some redirection issues with WPML. - Bug fixed: Redirection issue with claiming listings after login/registration. - Bug fixed: Unable to import Number type field values since v1.2.0. - Improved: Show edit post page on normal page instead of in modal popup window. - Added: New field renderer to show referenced items selected with Reference type field as links. v1.2.5 /1.2.6– NOV 6, 2018 - Bug fixed: Edit post link in dashboard not working when using [drts-dashboard] shortcode. - Bug fixed: Google Maps Timezone API using browser key causing error when referrer restriction enabled. - Bug fixed: "Scroll to item on marker click" option could not be disabled. - Bug fixed: Location filter causing filter form to submit twice. - Bug fixed: Some issues with storing Time type field values. - Bug fixed: Some more JavaScript compatibility issues with themes. - Bug fixed: Duplicate auto-suggestions in keyword search field. - Bug fixed: Restricting form field visibility by user roles causing field values to disappear on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Google Maps type/style settings keep reverting back. - Bug fixed: Shortcodes in notifications not working properly. - Improved: Added option to enable/disable fields to be displayed inline for Field List display element. - Improved: Added option to trim trailing zeros for Number type field. - Added: New tool to adjust Time type field values. v1.2.4 – OCT 31, 2018 - Bug fixed: Location autosuggest not working when using "Google Maps Place Autocomplete" as address autocomplete service. - Bug fixed: "Allow empty location" option for Location type field not working. - Bug fixed: WPML string translation not working for some field labels. v1.2.3 – OCT 30, 2018 - Bug fixed: Order add-on link in frontend dashboard not working since v1.2.0. - Bug fixed: Empty alert box popping up on custom login/registration page on certain occasions since v1.2.0. - Bug fixed: Map markers not showing up when marker clusters enabled since v1.2.0. - Updated: Autosize JavaScript library to v4.0.2. v1.2.0/1.2.1/1.2.2 – OCT 27, 2018 - New: Alternative map APIs (OpenStreetMap, Mapbox Geocoding, GeoNames Timezone, Algolia Places) - New: Custom page for single posts/terms - New: Map only view - New: WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin support - New: WP All Import plugin support - New: BuddyPress activity integration - New: [drts-entity] shortcode - New: Scaled thumbnail images - New: Option to show logout button in frontend dashboard - New: FaceBook messenger link field renderer - New: Added support for “Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order” plugin - New: Option to disable location per listing using the “This listing has no physical location.” checkbox - New: Allow guest to proceed to submit listing/review page without entering any guest info - New: Option to use category icons as map marker instead of listing photos - New: Bidirectional relationships between posts - New: Use custom image field as default image field - New: Sort by payment plans with custom order - New: Enable/Disable featured image (post thumbnail) - New: Option to show filters by default - and many more… See https://directoriespro.com/directories-pro-1-2-0/ for more details. v1.1.32 – OCT 17, 2018 - Bug fixed: Fix some issues with querying listings by payment plans in view settings. - Bug fixed: Fix compatibility issues with Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin and photo slider view. - Bug fixed: Address not formatted/displayed correctly for listings with multiple address. - Bug fixed: Current user always set as author when importing listings without author. - Bug fixed: Excerpt not displaying correctly for sub-languages with WPML. - Improved: File upload no longer requires Fileinfo PHP extension. v1.1.31 – OCT 8, 2018 - Bug fixed: Template override not working. - Bug fixed: Post parent field not selectable when importing reviews. - Bug fixed: HTML tags in custom address display format not working since 1.1.30. - Improved: CSV importer compatibility with CSV files exported with Sabai Directory. - Reverted: Custom address display format setting moved back to Manage Displays section from Manage Fields. v1.1.30 – OCT 2, 2018 - Bug fixed: Error when creating a new Location type field, since v1.1.29. v1.1.29 – SEP 30, 2018 - Bug fixed: Search related issues with listings that have multiple location addresses. - Bug fixed: Configuration form for HTML/JavaScript elements not rendering correctly in backend Manage Fields and Manage Filters sections. - Bug fixed: Field description not showing for Image type field with media manager. - Bug fixed: Default field renderer for Image type field not possible to show original size image on click. - Bug fixed: Address in map infobox not showing custom formatted address. - Deleted: "Do not load Google Maps API in admin dashboard" option under Settings -> Map. v1.1.28 – SEP 24, 2018 - Bug fixed: Empty search results on certain occasion when taxonomy name search enabled for keyword search. - Improved: More HTML classes added to individual posts and terms. v1.1.26/1.1.27 – SEP 22, 2018 - Bug fixed: Confirmation message not showing when Gravity Forms contact form submitted. - Bug fixed: Duplicate listing/review pending notification messages. - Improved: Added 1/6 column width to "Column" display element. - Improved: Removed alphanumeric and underscore character restriction from Choice type field option values. - Improved: More compatibility issues with some themes. v1.1.24/1.1.25 – SEP 7, 2018 - Bug fixed: Labels display element settings always showing default values even when updated. - Bug fixed: Category icon not showing up properly on category pages since v1.1.23. - Added: Support for Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin to display images/photos in lightbox window. v1.1.23 – AUG 31, 2018 - Bug fixed: Invalid "read more" link when displaying excerpt. - Bug fixed: Enable time option not working with Date type field. - Improved: Added %author_name% to list of available tokens for Text display element. v1.1.22 – AUG 28, 2018 - Bug fixed: Use home_url() instead of site_url() for redirection URL to prevent 404 error on certain occasions. - Added: drts_core_no_img_src filter for replacing default no-image image. - Improved: Font Awesome icon library compatibility with some themes. - Improved: Compatibility with certain hosting providers. v1.1.21 – AUG 23, 2018 - Bug fixed: Error on deactivating Directories - Payments plugin after Directories - Frontend plugin. - Bug fixed: Error on Appearance -> Widgets on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Some issues with Multi-byte chars in directory page slug and WPML. - Bug fixed: Error log not being generated in recent versions if debug mode disabled. - Bug fixed: Sort options not showing when results are empty. - Bug fixed: Some issues with searh form shortcode in widgets. - Improved: Use default search radius setting of Location filter as search radius for "Search my location" geolocation search. - Improved: Show map on mobile devices when map position is set to Top. - Improved: "directory" shortcode parameter no longer a required parameter. - Improved: Compatibility with 3rd party plugins. - Improved: Export/Import Time type field values in local time instead of GMT. - Improved: Allow query date/time fields by local date/time instead of GMT in view settings. - Updated: FontAwesome icons to v5.2.0. v1.1.20 – AUG 11, 2018 - Improved: Display issues with dropdown and date/time picker filters inside modal window. - Improved: Auto-complete WooCommerce orders when payment is complete. - Improved: Compatibility issues with 3rd party plugins. - Bug fixed: Filter form widget not showing up on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: "Open Now" label not showing up on correct time for listings located outside GMT+0 timezone. - Bug fixed: Some issues with current location search when default search radius is set to 0. v1.1.19 – AUG 4, 2018 - Bug fixed: Some issues with quick/bulk edit posts. - Improved: Allow users with "Delete others Claims" to approve/reject any claim. - Added: New "Sync taxonomy terms" system tool. v1.1.17/v1.1.18 – AUG 1, 2018 - Bug fixed: Keyword search not searching fields selected in "Extra fields to include in search" setting. - Improved: Use Location taxonomy term labels instead of address component data returned by Google Maps API for PostalAddress addressLocality/addressRegion properties in JSON-LD. - Improved: Make phone numbers clickable by default on mobile devices. v1.1.16 – JUL 28, 2018 - Bug fixed: Dynamic filter facet counts in Filter Form widget not updating since v1.1.15. - Added: Some missing language phrases. - Improved: Allow export/import of voting type field (rating, review rating, bookmark) values. - Improved: Photo slider library compatibility with some themes. v1.1.15 – JUL 26, 2018 - Bug fixed: More HTTP 414 error fix. - Bug fixed: Choice type field "Add from CSV" not importing icons. - Added: New WordPress filter hooks (drts_social_medias, drts_social_media_url) to allow adding custom social media fields. - Improved: Auto-detect line endings when importing CSV file. - Improved: Compatibility with Bootstrap library included with some themes. - Updated: Bootstrap v4.1.3. v1.1.14 – JUL 24, 2018 - Bug fixed: Listing link field not showing in frontend review submission form. - Bug fixed: Display issues with WP editor in frontend listing form. - Bug fixed: HTML attributes stripped out from Text display element. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy term field filter hiding child terms when parent is empty and hide empty option enabled. - Bug fixed: Do not load Google Maps API library option not working since 1.1.10. - Bug fixed: Yoast SEO field values not showing on edit listing page in the backend when updating. - Improved: Single category page compatibility with more themes. - Improved: Added current user ID/name tokens to Text display element. - Improved: Allow URLs in any Social Account input field. - Updated: Bootstrap v4.1.2. v1.1.13 – JUL 19, 2018 - Bug fixed: Disabling certain feature(s) in one directory removing field(s) from other directories. - Bug fixed: JavaScript error when adding Button display element with one or more custom buttons. - Bug fixed: Some content type label settings not showing up on content type edit page. - Improved: Compatibility with more themes. v1.1.12 – JUL 18, 2018 - Bug fixed: Content type info reverting back to default when updating directory settings. - Improved: Cache content type info for 7 days when the feature associated with the content type is disabled so that it can be restored when re-enabled. v1.1.11 – JUL 17, 2018 - Bug fixed: HTTP 414 error fix in 1.1.10 causing some issues with search. - Bug fixed: Taxonomy terms not showing on listing pages on certain occasions. - Bug fixed: Listing photos not displaying properly on certain occasions since 1.1.10. v1.1.10 – JUL 12, 2018 - Bug fixed: HTTP 414 error (Request URI too long) on some servers. - Bug fixed: Query by taxonomy terms option for views not working correctly. - Bug fixed: Photo slider view custom image field option not working. - Bug fixed: Location search field still showing even when Location feature disabled. - Bug fixed: Search form redirecting when shortcodes are used on directory index page. - Improved: IE11 compatibility. v1.1.9 – JUL 9, 2018 - Bug fixed: Add/update views not possible since v1.1.8. - Bug fixed: Vimeo videos not playing. v1.1.8 – JUL 8, 2018 - Bug fixed: Some issues with "Recalculate review ratings" system tool. - Bug fixed: Custom location address format not applied when no location term assigned. - Bug fixed: Photos in Photo Slider view not being linked to posts on certain occasions. v1.1.7 – JUL 8, 2018 - Added: New "Recalculate review ratings" system tool. - Bug fixed: Custom label for frontend dashboard panels not showing. - Bug fixed: WooCommerce My Account page integration not working with some themes. - Bug fixed: Photo slider showing large empty black background with some themes. - Bug fixed: Icon picker field not working on certain occasions with some browsers. - Bug fixed: Single category page not showing correct page title with some themes. - Bug fixed: YouTube social accounts field adding extra http:// to entered values. - Bug fixed: Post/Term query returning empty results when WPML activated. - Improved: Compatibility with some themes. v1.1.6 – JUN 30, 2018 - Bug fixed: Custom address format setting was always hidden. - Bug fixed: Setting default Google Maps map type to OSM not working. - Bug fixed: Search with Google Maps auto-suggested location not working. - Bug fixed: License and guest permission settings being reset on plugin re-activation. - Bug fixed: Some issues with importing attachments for Image/File type fields. v1.1.5 – JUN 11, 2018 – Bug fixed: Taxonomy term selection not being updated on quick edit posts. v1.1.4 – JUN 10, 2018 - Improved: RTL display issues. - Bug fixed: Conditional field settings with category field on the admin side. - Bug fixed: Link to URL of another field for title field renderer not working properly. - Bug fixed: Checklist field renderer for Choice type field showing content in the frontend even when empty. - Bug fixed: Filter settings not being displayed for some filter elements. - Some minor code refactoring. v1.1.3 – JUN 6, 2018 – Bug fixed: Datepicker form field not working in the frontend on certain occasions. – Bug fixed: File upload and media manager form fields not sending correct values causing various issues. v1.1.2 – MAY 30, 2018 - Added: Option to enable/disable frontend submission per directory. - Added: Tokens that can be used to embed dynamic values in text content (Text field and display elements). - Added: Option to disable/enable Visual mode and Quicktags for WP editor used with Listing Description field. - Improved: GDPR - Anonymize personal data field on erasure only when current data is not empty. - Bug fixed: Page not redirecting on certain occasions when shortcode error. - Bug fixed: Claim listing button always being displayed to guest users. - Lots of code refactoring. v1.1.1 – MAY 25, 2018 - Improved: Let draft/pending/scheduled items to be viewable for preview in frontend if author/permitted. - Improved: Add more field types that can be configured as personal data. - Improved: Custom label can be created with the Label display element. - Improved: Add more address component values for better geocoding results when using “Load geolocation data” tool. - Improved: Make sure custom rating criteria slugs are not more than 40 characters. - Bug fixed: Do not auto-scroll when submitting form via Ajax. - Bug fixed: Some PHP notice/warning level errors. v1.1.0 – MAY 23, 2018 - Added: GDPR compliance - Added: Conditional fields - Added: WhatsApp field render for Photo type field. - Improved: Added option to show own content only for Reference type field. - Improved: Make sure Directories is activated before other plugins. - Improved: Localize date/time picker (flatpickr). - Improved: Do not enable shortcodes on admin side. - Bug fixed: Display issues using shortcodes to customize default pages. - Bug fixed: Fix fatal error when payments plugin enabled without frontend plugin. - Lots of code refactoring and minor bug fixes. - Updated Bootstrap to v4.1.1. v1.0.6 – MAY 9, 2018 - Bug fixed: Filter button not showing on small-screen devices. - Bug fixed: Order add-on plan form redirecting to homepage instead of cart page on submission. v1.0.5 – MAY 4, 2018 - Bug fixed: Admin page links not working when permalink structure set to Default. - Bug fixed: Trying to load map settings from Location instead of Map component. v1.0.2/v1.0.3/v1.0.4 – MAY 1, 2018 - Bug fixed: Not able to access admin listing index page when directories-pro plugin not installed. v1.0.1 – APRIL 30, 2018 - Bug fixed: Claims admin menu not showing in the backend. - Bug fixed: Required option for Location field not working properly. - Bug fixed: Removed redundant success message after edit/delete posts on frontend dashboard page. v1.0.0 – APRIL 29, 2018 - Initial release