Other Features

Google Maps and OpenStreetMap support

Display listings on a map using Google Maps or OpenStreetMap.


GDPR compliance

Have your directories GDPR compliant so that content containing personal information can be exported/deleted at any time through the personal data export/erasure tool of WordPress.


Claim listings

Registered users can claim existing listings to become an author.


WPML support

Create multilingual directory using WPML.


Admin and user notification e-mails

Configure various notification e-mails sent to administrators and/or users.


Contact us form

Add a contact us form (supports forms created with Contact From 7, WPForm, or Gravity Forms) to the listing page to let visitors send messages to listing authors.


Opening hours with local time zone support

Time zone ID for each listing is fetched and saved automatically based on the geographical location of the listing. The time zone ID is then used to determine whether or not the listing is currently open/closed in the time zone.


Dummy content generator

The built-in dummy content generator generates not only listings or reviews but also categories, locations, and tags. It also lets you generate content for any custom field. It is a useful tool for you to quickly preview how your directory looks like with actual content.


Online plugin update

Update the plugin online through the Plugins page, just like plugins from wordpress.org.

Start building feature-rich directories

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