v1.2.37 – APR 18, 2019
– Added: Ability for creating multiple filter groups and assign different field group to each view.
– Added: “Current Location” button to Location type field to fetch user’s current location and auto-fill values.
– Added: “Number of columns” option to “Rating” and “Review Rating” filters.
– Added: Filter hook “drts_wordpress_homepage_cache_lifetime” for modifying cache lifetime of Homepage Control components.
– Added: New “responsive” parameter to [drts-directory-search] shortcode to enable/disable search form responsiveness.
– Bug fixed: Schema.org “location” property not formatted correctly producing errors in Google structured data testing tool.
– Bug fixed: Incorrect Schema.org properties shown on certain occasion.
– Bug fixed: Schema.org startDate/endDate properties not available for “Event” type.
– Bug fixed: Glossary (A-Z) filter for Title field not showing post counts correctly.
– Improved: Listings can now have the same custom permalink slug configured for category, location, or tag.