v1.3.115 – Dec 17, 2023
New: “Directories: View” and “Directories: Search Form” Gutenberg blocks.
Bug fixed: PHP fatal errors handling taxonomy terms on certain occasions.
Bug fixed: “Load geolocation data” fails to update “Map” type fields when “Overwrite current data” option is enabled.
Bug fixed: “Hide empty terms” option for “Child terms” display element causing minor display issues.
Improved: Exporting values of fields not enabled in associated payment plans or default payment features was not possible.
Improved: Allow adding conditional rules based on “Featured Item” field priority level.
Added: Option to auto-fill review title with its parent listing title.
Added: Option to search default “Location” field for “Keyword Search” field.
Added: Option to restrict frontend submissions by “MemberPress” membership.
Added: Option to sort taxonomy terms by custom field values.
Updated: FontAwesome icons to v6.4.2.