
You can create paid membership plans to charge users for providing premium features to their user profile such as allowing extra fields and letting visitors contact the user through a contact form. You can also restrict certain content on your site to users with specific membership plans.

Enable memberships

  1. Create a user directory.

  2. Make sure the Directories - Payments plugin is installed. If not, install Directories - Payments.

  3. Go to Directories -> Your user directory -> Settings and enable payments for your directory.

Create membership payment plans

After enabling memberships, you will need to create membership payment plans for users to purchase. Membership payment plans can be created in the same way as payment plans for listings in a normal directory.

  • If you are using the Default payment component, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Directories -> Your user directory -> Payment Plans and click the Add Plan button.

    2. Enter plan details.

    3. Click Next and enter configure features for the membership plan.

      • Plan Duration Settings

        • Duration in days - Set the length of time in days the membership plan is associated with user accounts. If you wish to use the prorated discount feature, you should define a limited duration.
      • Field Settings

        • Allowed fields - Select the fields enabled in profiles.
      • Contact Form Settings

        • Enable contact form - Whether or not to let visitors send messages through a contact form.

        • Contact form recipients - Select e-mail addresses to which messages are sent.

      • Click Add Plan to add the membership plan.

  • If you are using the WooCommerce payment component, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Products -> Add new.

    2. Enter the name of your membership plan into the text field where it says Product name which is a required field. Optionally enter the description of your payment plan into the textarea field under the product name field.

    3. Select the Users - User (Base plan) product type option from the dropdown menu in the Product Data panel.

    4. In the General tab, enter the Regular price field and optionally the Sale Price field if you wish to sell the membership plan at a discounted price.

    5. In the Plan Features tab, configure features for the membership plan. For details of each setting, see step 3 above for the Default payment component.

    6. Press Publish to add the membership plan as a WooCommerce product.

Setup apply membership page

The apply membership page needs to be created where users can purchase membership payment plans.

Go to Directories -> Settings -> Pages and assign a page for Apply Membership if not already assigned.

Newly registered users will be redirected to this page after user registration is complete.

You can also switch on the Display pricing table setting under Directories -> Settings -> Payment -> Payment Plan Settings to show a pricing table.

Existing users can go to the frontend directory dashboard and click the Apply Membership button on the Membership page under the Account panel which will take the user to the Apply Membership page.

Make sure the Membership option is checked under Directories -> Settings -> Dashboard -> DASHBOARD PANEL SETTINGS (ACCOUNT) -> Select pages.

Restricting content access

Restricting directory content

You can restrict content of your directory by configuring the visibility setting of each display element. For example, if you wish users with a certain membership plan to be able to view the e-mail address of each listing in your directory, go to Directories -> Your directory -> Content Types -> Listing -> Manage Displays and edit the display element for your e-mail address field.

Click the Visibility tab, switch on the Visible to users with selected membership plans only setting, and then select membership plans that you wish to allow.

Restricting non-directory content

The [drts-membership-restrict] shortcode allows you to restrict access to content outside your directory such as pages or posts, for example:

[drts-membership-restrict]Place your content to restrict here.[/drts-membership-restrict]

The above will show the content between the shortcode tags only to users that has a valid membership.

If you wish to restrict the content to users with certain membership plans only, you can use the plans parameter, for example:

[drts-membership-restrict plans="silver,gold"]Place your content to restrict here.[/drts-membership-restrict]

The above will show the content between the shortcode tags to users that has a valid Silver (silver) or Gold (gold) membership. You can also specify membership plans by plan IDs instead of plan names.

Restricting frontend submission

You can limit the number of content items that can be submitted from the frontend by membership payment plan, through submission restriction settings.

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